Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 10 2023
P. 6

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Enbridge to expand Flanagan South,

       build oil terminal on Gulf

        NORTH AMERICA    ENBRIDGE is negotiating with shippers for   The EHOT will have access to Enterprise
                         incremental contract capacity of 95,000 barrels  Products’ planned Sea Port Oil Terminal
                         per day (bpd) on the Flanagan South Pipeline.  (SPOT), on which a final investment decision
                         The oil pipeline runs from Flanagan in Illinois to  (FID) has not yet been made. The SPOT will
                         Cushing, Oklahoma.                   have a capacity of 85,000 barrels per hour and
                           These new volumes would increase secured  will be able to accommodate load tankers of up
                         throughput on Flanagan South and secure long-  to 2mn barrels in capacity. It received federal   The Calgary-
                         haul demand on the entire Enbridge network  approval in November 2022.
                         out of Western Canada, said Enbridge. Flanagan   The EHOT will also have access to the Hou-  based company
                         South currently has a capacity of 585,000 bpd.  ston region refining complex and export oppor-
                           An open season for the incremental contact  tunities through the Seaway docks at Freeport  has also decided
                         capacity will be held later in March.  and Texas City, noted Enbridge.
                           The Calgary-based company has also decided   Enbridge announced a total of $3.3bn in new  to proceed with
                         to proceed with construction of the Enbridge  investments, of which CAD$2.4bn ($1.75bn)   construction
                         Houston Oil Terminal (EHOT) in Freeport,  would be allocated to new gas transmission
                         Texas, at an initial cost of $240mn. This will  modernisation and utility capital. Enbridge will   of the Enbridge
                         facilitate the additional commitments on Flan-  acquire 35bn cubic feet (991mn cubic metres)
                         agan South, as well as existing Flanagan South  of “premium” Gulf Coast gas storage assets –   Houston Oil
                         shippers, said Enbridge.             named Tres Palacios – for $335mn to support its
                           The EHOT is initially expected to have 2.5mn  US Gulf Coast LNG export strategy.  Terminal.
                         barrels of storage capacity, with an ultimate   As part of the $3.3bn in new investments,
                         capacity of 15mn barrels of capacity once fully  the company has entered into an agreement to
                         built. Storage will be based on long-term take-  invest $80mn in a leading renewable natural gas
                         or-pay contracts.                    infrastructure company, Divert. Meanwhile,
                           The greenfield terminal, which will be located  Enbridge is also planning to build a gas pipeline
                         adjacent to the terminus of the Seaway pipeline,  to supply ArcelorMittal Dofasco in Hamilton,
                         from Cushing to Freeport, will be primarily  Ontario, supporting what the company said
                         used for heavy crude. Seaway is co-owned by  would be the largest greenhouse gas (GHG)
                         Enbridge and Enterprise Products.    emissions reduction project in the province.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 10   09•March•2023
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