Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 46
P. 18

FSUOGM                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       an increase in the price of gas it supplies to   Lithuania hires experts to   the contracts, i.e. KN will use the services
       Poland, the Polish state-owned oil and gas                               only when necessary. The assistance of legal
       company said on November 9.         advise on FSRU acqusiition           and commercial experts is expected to be
         Gazprom and PGNiG have been                                            available by 2024, and technical until 2025, as
       bickering over pricing for years. The Polish   Lithuania's KN (AB Klaipedos Nafta),   their external competencies may be required
       company gained an upper hand recently   operator of the oil and liquefied natural   depending on the chosen FSRU operating
       after a Swedish arbitration court forced   gas LNG terminal in Klaipeda seaport,   model. The value of the legal services
       Gazprom to pay $1.5bn to PGNiG for   announced on November 11 it had selected   contract is up to €1.045mn, the commercial
       previously overcharging for the supplies.  the winners of commercial, legal and technical  services contract value up to €120,000 and
         Gazprom’s request comes just over a   services, who will advise the company on   the value of the technical services contract
       week after PGNiG asked that the Russian   the selection of the most economically and   up to €230,000. The planned services of
       company lower its prices, under the terms   technologically advantageous FSRU and its   advisory experts will amount to less than 1%
       of the long-term supply deal between   operating model. They are as follows: Holman   of the purchase price of the FSRU.
       the two companies, known as the Jamal   Fenwick Willan LLP – HFW (legal experts),
       Contract.                           Quality Energy Developments Consulting Ltd
         “Gazprom’s renegotiation request   – QED (commercial experts) and DNV GL
       submitted in response to [PGNiG's]   AS (technical experts).             CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH
       renegotiation request … is not justified and   Behind the decision lies KN's
       it does not satisfy the formal requirements   determination to come up with a more cost-  CAUCASUS
       specified in the Jamal Contract and,   reflective tariff model in sharing the terminal
       consequently, it is ineffective,” the Warsaw-  maintenance costs among its users.  Condor reports no
       listed PGNiG said in a market filing.  KN has allocated 8,363,500,000 kWh in
         The two companies entered their current   regasification capacities for its users from 1   production and sales from
       contract back in 1996, covering 10bn cubic   October, 2020 until the 30 September, 2021.
       metres (bcm) of annual gas supply. The   KN disclosed it had signed contracts with   Kazakh fields in Q3
       contract, which is partially oil-indexed,   two customers – Lithuania's state-owned
       includes a take-or-pay clause that means   electricity and gas supply company Ignitis,   Condor Petroleum, a Canada-based oil
       PGNiG must pay for at least 8.7 bcm per   and Achema. Two Estonian companies –   and gas company focused on exploration
       year of gas even if it does not take that   Eesti Energia and Elenger (Eesti Gaas), are   and production activities in Turkey and
       much.                               believed to be among its clients too.  Kazakhstan, reported no production and
         The recent drop of LNG prices and – to   Although the Klaipeda LNG terminal is   sales for its Shoba and Taskuduk operations
       a smaller extent – of oil-indexed gas prices   used by foreign companies, Lithuania has not  for its Kazakhstan reportable segment in the
       are the probable reasons for which PGNiG   signed a political agreement as to how split   company's unaudited interim condensed
       is seeking a price cut under the Jamal   the costs with the countries of their registry,   consolidated financial statements for the third
       Contract.                           including Estonia.                   quarter of 2020.
         The contract runs out at the end of 2022   KN has previously announced that "for   The discontinuation was due to the sale
       and PGNiG has repeatedly said it will not   the implementation of the LNG long-term   of the Shoba and Taskuduk production
       renew the deal. It hopes to replace Russian   import solution project in Lithuania, the law   contracts and associated field equipment,
       gas with LNG, mainly from the US, as well   provides for clear time frames and we must   which was completed on September 9 for
       as Norwegian gas via the planned Baltic   select and operate the FSRU by the end of   total net proceeds of $23.9mn.
       Pipe.                               2024, when the FSRU lease contract with   Condor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Falcon
                                           Norway's Hoegh LNG expires.          Oil & Gas entered into a binding agreement
                                              "In commemorating the sixth anniversary   to sell its 100% interests in the Shoba
                                           of the LNG terminal, we are taking another   production contract, Taskuduk production
       EASTERN EUROPE                      step in the implementation of the LNG   contract and associated field equipment.
                                           terminal business continuity – we are using   “The buyer (“Shoba Buyer”) had paid
       Naftogaz biggest taxpayer           external competencies to ensure the long-  $23.1mn as of the Closing Date and the total
                                           term supply of LNG. The LNG terminal has
                                                                                proceeds were reduced by $0.7mn as an
       in Ukraine, paying                  become a strong natural gas connection in   adjustment to the purchase consideration for
                                           the Baltic region and a bridge enabling access  the net revenues minus operating costs from
       UAH90.3bn to the state              to the global LNG market. During January-  the properties which attributed to the Shoba
                                                                                Buyer from December 25, 2019 until the
                                           October of this year, as much as 68 percent
       budget in 10M20                     of the natural gas was delivered from the   Closing Date,” Condor said in a statement.
                                                                                “The Shoba Buyer paid an additional $0.2mn
                                           LNG terminal to the national gas grid. The
       Ukraine’s national gas company Naftogaz   LNG terminal, the natural gas transmission   in September 2020, $0.2mn in October 2020
       Group paid UAH90.3bn ($3.2bn) into the   system, the Balticconector connection and in   and the remaining $0.4mn in November
       state and local budgets in January-October   the future – GIPL – all together strengthen   2020.”
       2020, including UAH39.6bn of its outstanding   the energy resilience of the region to   “Following the execution of the agreement
       dividends for 2019, the company said in a   natural gas supply disruptions and ensure   for the Shoba Sale, as of September 30, 2019
       press release on November 12.       the competitiveness of gas prices used in   the related Shoba and Taskuduk net assets
         Revenues from Naftogaz Group exceeded   the region. Therefore, long-term operation   and liabilities were reclassified to assets and
       11% of total state budget revenues in   of the LNG terminal until 2044 must be   liabilities held for sale and the respective
       January-October 2020. Naftogaz Group   implemented effectively, which we hope   results of operations are presented as
       remains Ukraine’s biggest taxpayer. In 2019,   will happen with the help of experienced   discontinued operations for all current and
       Naftogaz Group’s tax and dividend payments   experts,” commented Darius Silenskis, KN   prior periods throughout this news release,”
       to budgets at all levels amounted to nearly   general director.          Condor noted.
       UAH121.4bn.                            External experts will consult KN
                                           according to the hourly rate stipulated in

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   18•November•2020
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