Page 12 - MEOG Week 03 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Energean takes FID on Karish North

        ISRAEL           LONDON-LISTED  Energean last week  for the exploration wells is thought to be around
                         announced that it had taken a final investment  70%.
                         decision (FID) on its Karish North gas develop-  The prospects located close to Karish and
                         ment, offshore Israel, less than two years after  could be tapped through tie-backs rather than a
                         making the discovery.                separate unit, thereby reducing the cost of devel-
                           In a statement to press, CEO Mathios Rigas  oping any potential finds. Rigas told Upstream
                         said the move proved “the value of the Ener-  that unlike at Karish and Tanin, which were
                         gean Power FPSO as a quick and low-cost com-  acquired from Delek Group, Energean would
                         mercialisation route for our assets in Israel”.  not have to pay the Israeli firm any royalties at
                         He added: “We are also increasing the liquid  Block 12.
                         processing capacity of our FPSO to process the   Meanwhile, the gas sales agreements were
                         additional volumes we discovered for minimal  signed entailing the provision of 1.4 bcm of gas
                         incremental cost.”                   to Ramat Hovay Power Plant partnership over
                           Energean, which operates Karish North and  a period of 20 years. Ramat Hovay is a venture
                         the nearby Karish main, has been certified to  between Israel’s Shikun & Binui and Edeltech
                         contain gross 2C resources of 1.2 trillion cubic  Group. The deals take the total amount of con-
                         feet (33.7bn cubic metres) of gas and 39mn bar-  tracted sales gas from Karish to 7 bcm per year,
                         rels of liquids, according to a competent person’s  leaving 1 bcm available.
                         report (CPR) by DeGolyer & McNaughton pub-  Speaking to Upstream, Rigas said that the
                         lished in June 2020.                 development of Tanin had been delayed as the
                           The Karish asset is estimated to hold 267mn  company had prioritised the cheaper Karish
                         barrels of oil equivalent of 2P reserves as well as  North. He said that Karish North would likely
                         another 37mn boe of 2C resources. The discov-  cost $150-200mn, while capex for Tanin is esti-
                         ery was made in April 2019.          mated to be around $900mn.
                           Energean will tie back Karish North 5.4 km to   He said: “Karish North is pushing back Tanin.
                         the Energean Power FPSO following approval in  Our next step will be to drill the Athena and Zeus
                         August last year of the company’s field develop-  prospects. If successful, we expect that would
                         ment plan, which foresees first gas flows in the  allow us to push Tanin even further back.”
                         second half of 2023.                   Meanwhile, despite  hopes surrounding
                           The company expects to spend around  United Nations-observed talks between Israel
                         $150mn on the first phase of the project to  and Jordan, US Secretary of State Mike Pom-
                         deliver an IRR of more than 40%.     peo said in late December that they remain
                           In September, Rigas was quoted as saying that  “far apart” on an agreement on their maritime
                         Energean planned to secure a rig in late 2021 in  border.
                         preparation for drilling at the Athena and Zeus   The talks were originally meant to cover an
                         prospects in Block 12 once production begins at  854-square km triangle of disputed territory,
                         Karish.                              but Lebanese negotiators said that an additional
                           He was quoted by Upstream as saying: “We’re  1,460 square km area further south, that had pre-
                         very confident about the resources,” noting that  viously been undisputed, be included in negoti-
                         the company hopes to discover 28.3-42.45 bcm  ations. This area includes the Karish and Karish
                         of gas. Rigas added that the chance of success  North gas fields as well as Block 72.™

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