Page 21 - MEOG Week 03 2021
P. 21

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                evolved structure will provide the business
                                                                                with greater focus as we seek to take full
                                                                                advantage of the many opportunities we see
                                                                                across our end markets.”
                                                                                  “As the Group emerges from what we hope
                                                                                is the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic in good
                                                                                shape, the time is right for us to be positioning
                                                                                the Group for the next phase of its growth,” he
                                                                                TRADE ARABIA
                                                                                Shelf Drilling announces
       in flight time, a significant increase from the   years, driven by rapid expansion in core
       previous four months. Drones accounted for   markets and by the commercialisation of   contract update
       approximately 95% of the violations, UNIFIL   floating wind which is expected to provide
       said. Israel and Lebanon are technically at war.   significant opportunities mid-decade   Shelf Drilling, Ltd. announced today that it
       Hezbollah, the powerful Lebanese militant   onwards,” a Lamprell statement said.  has received a notification from customer on
       group backed by Iran, is a sworn enemy   Lamprell Renewables will also explore   early termination of the contracts for the High
       of Israel and the two have had a series of   opportunities for the Group to collaborate   Island VII and Compact Driller jack-up rigs.
       confrontations, including a full-scale war in   with others so as to increase our execution   The contract end date for both rigs has been
       2006. Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah,   capacity and support the local content   updated to August 2021.
       in a year-end interview, said Israel’s efforts to   objectives of our clients, as well as to move up   The original contract end dates for the
       curb his group’s ability to acquire precision-  the renewables value chain over time.  High Island VII and Compact Driller were
       guided missiles have failed. He boasted that   The digital business encompasses the   February 2023 and June 2022, respectively.
       Hezbollah now has twice as many such   technology and IP development teams that   SHELF DRILLING
       missiles as it had last year.       have successfully implemented a range of
         Israel has in recent months expressed   technologies in the Group’s yards, such as the   Energean to pay dividend
       concern that Hezbollah is trying to establish   deployment of adaptive robotic welding, facial
       production facilities to make precision-guided   recognition technology and a proprietary   from end 2022
       missiles.                           digital quality management system.
       ASSOCIATED PRESS                       Lamprell Digital will continue to advance   Eastern Mediterranean gas group Energean
                                           proprietary technologies for industrial   expects to pay its maiden dividend from
                                           application, in areas such as asset integrity,   the end of 2022, Chief Executive Mathios
       COMPANIES                           engineering design, smart non-destructive   Rigas told Reuters on Thursday, after it gave
                                           testing, predictive maintenance and robotics.  the green light to a new Israeli gas field
       Lamprell announces                  Group’s traditional activities in rig fabrication,   development.
                                              The oil & gas business comprises the
                                                                                  The Karish North field will be connected
       strategic restructure into 3        rig refurbishment, onshore EPC and other   via a 5.4 kilometre (3.36 mile) pipeline to
                                                                                Energean’s 8 billion cubic metre-per-year
                                           services, as well as our planned expansion into
       verticals                           Offshore EPCI under the Saudi Aramco LTA.   floating production storage and offloading
                                                                                (FPSO) unit where the main Karish field is
                                           Central to the Group’s Oil & Gas strategy is
       UAE-based Lamprell, a top services provider   Lempel’s differentiated positions in the UAE   expected to start production by year-end with
       to the oil and gas industry, has announced   and Saudi Arabia.           the bulk of output contracted out already.
       a strategic reorganisation of its business to   The three business units have different   “If 2022 is the (first full) year we start
       increase the Group’s focus on renewables   priorities and needs, from their distinct   producing from Karish, end of 2022 ... is
       and the energy transition and enable the   customer bases, bidding processes, yard   going to be the first time we can start paying
       Group to take full advantage of the significant   requirements and capital requirements.   dividends to our shareholders,” Rigas said,
       opportunities in its core markets.  This strategic reorganisation will enable the   adding the target was to pay a stable dividend
         The reorganisation will see the Group split   Group to place greater focus on maximising   over coming years. This will be underpinned
       into three distinct business units: Renewables,   the significant opportunities for each of the   by at least $1 billion in earnings before
       Digital and Oil & Gas, a Lamprell statement   three business units. In the context of this   interest, taxes and depreciation in 2023, he
       said.                               strategic reorganisation, the Group continues   said. Energean also said it had signed an
         The Renewables business comprises the   to explore how best to finance these business   18-month, $700 million loan facility with J.P.
       Group’s existing projects providing wind   units going forward.          Morgan and Morgan Stanley to help fund the
       turbine generator foundation fabrication   Christopher McDonald, CEO, Lamprell,   new development and pay for the acquisition
       services to offshore wind. Renewables   said: “In the four years since I joined Lamprell   of a minority stake in Energean Israel from
       opportunities currently make up $2.5 billion   we have been reimagining the business for   private equity firm Kerogen.
       (about 40%) of the Group’s bid pipeline with   the future. Today we set out the shape of   Energean, which floated on the London
       the increase attributable to US renewables   Lamprell as it looks forward, taking its long   stock exchange in 2018, also extended its
       entering the pipeline.              and proud history of providing services to   $1.45 billion project finance loan by nine
         “We expect to see continued strong growth   the energy industry and accelerating its focus   months to September 2022. Rigas said there
       in renewables opportunities in the coming   on renewables and digital technologies. This   would be another rejigging of Energean’s

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