Page 4 - MEOG Week 03 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Abu Dhabi unveils

       steps to become

       a hydrogen leader

       Three of Abu Dhabi’s most prominent state entities have announced the
       formation of a hydrogen alliance which will develop a roadmap in increase the

       uses and opportunities for hydrogen both at home and internationally.

        UAE              ABU  Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC),  They will also work together to build a substan-
                         Mubadala Investment Co. and holding com-  tial green hydrogen economy in the UAE.”
                         pany ADQ this week announced the signing   The focus of the alliance will be domestic
       WHAT:             of a memorandum of understanding (MoU)  development of the green hydrogen sector,
       Abu Dhabi’s new   to establish the Abu Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance  while ADNOC focus on “blue hydrogen inde-
       hydrogen alliance will   (ADHA).                       pendently within the UAE, leveraging its existing
       seek to leverage its   The announcement comes as oil and gas  capacity and capabilities”.
       stakeholders’ expertise   producers throughout the region have begun   The MoU was signed during a virtual cere-
       of traditional and   realigning long-term strategies to include alter-  mony by Mubadala’s managing director and
       alternative energies, and   native energy sources amid ongoing concerns  CEO Khaldoon Khalifa Al Mubarak, UAE Min-
       infrastructure.   about demand for hydrocarbons.       ister of Industry and Advanced Technology and
                           The formation of ADHA marks a significant  ADNOC Group CEO Sultan Al Jaber and ADQ
       WHY:              step to fulfil plans first noted in November by  CEO Mohamed Hassan Alsuwaidi.
       The emirate is taking   Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed   Al Jaber noted: “This alliance integrates our
       a bold step towards   bin Zayed, vice-chairman of the former Supreme  complementary strengths as industrial, energy
       becoming a global leader   Petroleum Council (SPC) when he instructed  and financial leaders to address the global chal-
       in the nascent green   ADNOC to “explore potential opportunities in  lenge of meeting energy demand, while reducing
       hydrogen industry.  hydrogen with the ambition to position the UAE  emissions. In addition, this Alliance will build
                         as a hydrogen leader”.               on Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s global energy lead-
       WHAT NEXT:          According to a joint statement: “The Alliance  ership and position as the center of gravity for
       The announcement was   partners will collaborate to establish Abu Dhabi  energy innovation.
       followed by a major deal   as a trusted leader of low-carbon green and blue   “Working together as an alliance, we
       between the UAE and   hydrogen in emerging international markets.  will identify viable international market
       Japan to explore fuel
       ammonia opportunities,
       indicating the global
       reach of these plans.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 03   20•January•2021
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