Page 13 - AfrElec Week 48 2022
P. 13

AfrElec                                       RENEWABLES                                             AfrElec

       Nigeria signs deal with CarbonAi

       to develop solar energy projects

        NIGERIA          NIGERIA’S Rural Electrification Agency (REA)  of gas flares globally and is now seeking to earn
                         has signed a memorandum of understanding  carbon credits by cutting down on gas flaring
                         (MoU) with CarbonAi, a Canadian oil and nat-  through capture projects.
                         ural gas company, to develop small-scale solar   The REA, according to the MoU, will find
                         energy projects in the West African country.  opportunities for solar energy near CarbonAi’s
                           The REA will build the solar projects, funding  flare gas capture projects in Nigeria, while Car-
                         them through carbon credits generated by flare  bonAi will apply its expertise in carbon finance
                         gas capture projects, which will be financed and  and quantify, verify and monetize greenhouse
                         developed by CarbonAi, which has such projects  gas emissions.
                         in Nigeria.                            “We are excited to work with the REA as our
                           Based in Calgary and Dubai, the company  CarbonAi Climate Dividend Programme part-
                         provides full-cycle flare gas capture services for  ner in Nigeria,” stated CarbonAi’s chief carbon
                         fully integrated greenhouse gas (GHG) reduc-  officer, Yvan Champagne.
                         tion projects.                         “We are strong believers in win-win out-
                           Gas flaring is the burning of natural gas  comes, and we believe our Climate Dividend
                         from oil extraction. It has come under attack for  Programme captures the spirit of the energy
                         producing high levels of greenhouse gases and  transition by leveraging immediate reductions in
                         become a target for countries fighting climate  today’s energy system to build the energy system
                         change. Nigeria has the third-highest number  of tomorrow in Nigeria.”™

       Kenyan MPs probe fictitious

       payments for Lake Turkana

       Wind Power project

        KENYA            A Kenyan parliamentary committee is probing  according to Capital FM.
                         the “fictitious payment” of over KES 600mn   Launched over a decade ago, the KES 17bn
                         ($4.9mn) by Kenya Power and Lighting Com-  LTWP project was among the largest private
                         pany (KPLC) for unsupplied power, Capital FM  investments in Kenya’s history. It provides
                         reports.                            310MW to the national grid, equivalent to over
                           MPs on the National Assembly Departmental  17% of installed electricity generating capacity. 
                         Committee on Energy are looking into payments   Nairobi-listed KPLC owns and operates
                         the utility made to Lake Turkana Wind Power  most of the country’s electricity transmission
                         (LTWP), the beneficial ownership of which has  and distribution system. The government has a
                         not been fully established.         controlling stake of 50.1% and private investors
                           At the same time, LTWP is said to have wired  own the remaining 49.9%.™
                         millions of shillings to the “wrong accounts”,

       Week 48  30•November•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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