Page 4 - AfrElec Week 48 2022
P. 4

AfrElec                                           POLICY                                              AfrElec

       SA boasts 9,0000MW of private

       embedded generation projects

        SOUTH AFRICA     SOUTH Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa  additional power subject to agreements being
                         says that the number of private embedded power  finalised.
                         generation projects in the country has increased   According to Engineering News, Pama-
                         to 100, with a total combined capacity of around  phosa offered a mixed progress report on the
                         9,000MW.                             government’s procurement of additional util-
                           He confirmed the numbers in a series of  ity-scale generation from IPPs, saying that the
                         written responses to parliamentary questions  first three preferred bidders from Bid Window
                         by the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA)  5 have signed project agreements and additional
                         permanent delegate to the National Council of  projects were expected to reach this milestone
                         Provinces from the North West province, Carin  within the coming weeks.
                         Visser, Engineering News reports.      However, he did not specify that a total of
                           Visser’s questions focused on Ramaphosa’s  25 wind and solar projects, representing about
                         July 25 announcement of the government’s ini-  2,000 MW, were supposed to have progressed to
                         tiatives to tackle intensifying rolling power out-  the construction phase under the round but were
                         ages (known locally as loadshedding), imposed  facing difficulties in reaching financial close,
                         by the state-owned power utility Eskom. She also  according to Engineering News.
                         asked what progress, if any, had been achieved.  “Three projects from the risk mitigation pro-
                           South Africa has experienced its worst-ever  curement programme representing 540MW of
                         year for rotational power cuts with more than  solar photovoltaic and 225MW of battery stor-
                         155 days affected by the beginning of Novem-  age have reached financial close and commenced
                         ber and the outlook for the coming two years  construction,” the president wrote.
                         remaining bleak, writes Engineering News.  According to Ramaphosa, the amount of new
                           In his responses, Ramaphosa said the amend-  generation capacity to be procured through Bid
                         ment to the Electricity Regulation Act, which  Window 6 has been increased from 2,600 MW
                         allowed generation facilities below 100MW in  to 4,200 MW. A request for proposals (RFP) has
                         size to wheel power across the grid and to sell  been released for over 500MW of battery stor-
                         it to multiple customers without requiring a  age, which will be followed by a further RFP for
                         licence, had created a vibrant market.  3,000MW of gas power.
                           According to the president, the registration   In the meantime, Eskom was also implement-
                         process with the National Energy Regulator  ing a “Generation Recovery Plan” to undertake
                         of South Africa (NERSA) has also been “sub-  intensive maintenance and reduce breakdowns,
                         stantially simplified” to shorten timeframes  focusing on the six power stations that were con-
                         for project approval. Additionally, the 100MW  tributing most significantly to loadshedding.
                         licensing threshold for such projects was in the   However, no reference was made to Eskom’s
                         process of being lifted entirely.    diesel budget having been exhausted, nor to the
                           “These measures will enable significantly  fact that Koeberg nuclear power station was due
                         more generation capacity to be added to the grid  to enter an extended period of maintenance,
                         from independent power producers (IPPs),”  which would result in the plant operating at half
                         Ramaphosa said, adding that a National Energy  capacity for most of 2023, Engineering News
                         Crisis Committee had been set up to oversee the  writes.
                         implementation of the Eskom and non-Eskom   Ramaphosa argued that South Africa’s elec-
                         initiatives announced in July.       tricity sector was undergoing a fundamental
                           The progress report included the develop-  transformation with the unbundling of Eskom
                         ment by Eskom of a standard offer programme  and the introduction of a competitive market to
                         to purchase available power from existing  enable investment.
                         installations, as well as an emergency generation   The president confirmed that the National
                         programme to procure power at times of peak  Transmission Company (NTC), which will act
                         demand; the recruitment of skilled person-  as a system and market operator, had been regis-
                         nel, with three appointments of former Eskom  tered as a first step towards full separation.
                         employees having been made at power station   “This will be followed by the appointment of
                         manager level for Kendal, Koeberg and Medupi;  an independent board for the transmission entity
                         and the importation of an additional 200MW of  and the transfer of the transmission licence from
                         power from neighbouring countries, with nego-  Eskom Holdings to the NTC,” he said.™
                         tiations under way to secure over 1,000MW of

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