Page 4 - GLNG Week 12 2023
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       ExxonMobil considers resuming

       and expanding Mozambique’s

       Rovuma LNG project

       Rovuma LNG has experienced a roller-coaster ride so far, and additional hurdles will

       need to be cleared, but steps are being taken in the right direction and it could mark
       a transformative phase for Mozambique.

        MOZAMBIQUE       EXXONMOBIL is contemplating restarting the  also need to show compliance with UK and US
                         Rovuma LNG project in Mozambique’s restive  anti-corruption practices.
       WHAT:             Cabo Delgado Province in the country’s north.   “Only the candidates providing the FEED
       Amid signs of improving   The company has called for expressions of inter-  will be considered in a potential next stage for
       security in Cabo Delgado,   est (EoIs) to design and construct the LNG plant  the award of an EPC contract,” Exxon said in a
       Exxon has called for   in a statement published in the Mozambican  statement. This is “subject to improvement of
       expressions of interest   newspaper O Pais on March 17.  security conditions and a decision on return of
       to design and build   The onshore LNG project was first approved  activities in the Afungi area”.
       an onshore LNG plant   by the government of Mozambique in June 2019.
       producing up to 18mn tpy,   Initial plans were that the Rovuma Mozambique  A financial lifeline
       an increase on earlier   LNG project would produce, liquefy and market  For Mozambique, getting the stalled LNG pro-
       plans for 15.2mn tpy.  natural gas from three reservoirs of the Mamba  jects back on track is imperative as the country
                         complex in the Area 4 block in the offshore  faces financial struggles. LNG export revenues
       WHY:              Rovuma Basin. With the construction of two  would be a huge boon for the southern African
       Following signals that   liquefaction trains, the project was envisaged to  country in servicing its debt, which includes a
       TotalEnergies will   have a nameplate capacity of 15.2mn tonnes per  $900mn Eurobond.
       resume work on nearby   year (tpy).                      In fact, it’s believed the potential invest-
       Mozambique LNG this   However, the project has been stalled since  ments in the LNG projects exceed the country’s
       summer, Exxon appears   April 2021 following terrorist attacks in the  national annual output. Initial investments for
       ready to follow suit by   region, which forced the nearby Mozambique  Rovuma are predicted to be around $500mn to
       restarting the Rovuma   LNG project operated by TotalEnergies to  advance midstream and upstream early project
       LNG plant. The two   declare force majeure. But the security situation  activities, including development of a construc-
       projects are considered   has now improved slightly with foreign peace-  tion camp, resettlement activities, building an
       crucial for Mozambique   keeping forces deployed to the region. TotalEn-  airstrip and access roads, and detailed engineer-
       to pay its debt.  ergies also sent an independent mission with  ing of the LNG plant.
                         chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanne to evalu-  Mozambique began exporting its first LNG in
       WHAT NEXT:        ate the humanitarian and security situation.  November 2022 from a floating vessel offshore
       Following the tender for   With signs of optimism for the security con-  moored on Area 4. Known as the Coral Sul
       front-end engineering   ditions, TotalEnergies announced in February  floating LNG (FLNG) unit, the project, in which
       and design work, a   that it is considering restarting its LNG export  Exxon is part of a consortium with Italy’s Eni, is
       candidate will be   project, and now Exxon has followed suit. Amid  capable of producing 3.4mn tpy.
       chosen for engineering   the improved backdrop, Exxon also announced
       procurement and   it is now planning for the facility to be capable  Overcoming hurdles
       construction work. A   of producing 18mn tpy, a considerable increase   With confidence growing around the security
       final investment decision   from plans in 2019.        situation, the next obstacle to overcome for the
       is still required, so the   The call seeks front-end engineering and  Rovuma project is financing. While Mozam-
       earliest that Rovuma   design (FEED) work for the project that will fea-  bique LNG has already obtained $14.9bn of pro-
       would deliver LNG would   ture a number of 1.5mn tpy liquefaction mod-  ject financing, Rovuma has not yet made a final
       be 2027.          ules, with EoIs due by March 31. Bidders will  investment decision (FID), and this could prove

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