Page 11 - MEOG Week 35 2022
P. 11

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              economic reality, as the country still lacks   OIL
                                           developed infrastructure, basic health
       Iraq’s economy: floating            services, or even oil-derived services such as   Iran deal a wild card for oil
                                           consistent electricity.
       over oil and turbulences            suffering acute consequences of the different   market strained by supply
                                             As a matter of fact, Iraq’s economy is
       Iraq is one of the wealthiest countries in   crises that rocked the country for decades,   risks
       the world in terms of resources, but Iraq’s   starting from years of Western-imposed
       economy is nowhere as rich.         sanctions during the 1990s, the US military   A looming EU embargo on Russian oil is
         If we were to look at the Iraqi economy,   intervention in 2003, the civil war during the   expected to exacerbate supply tightness and
       we need to examine the different phases the   2000s, the global economic shock in 2008, the   keep prices in triple digits this year unless
       country has gone through over the last three   battle against ISIS in mid-2010s, and finally   there is a return of Iranian barrels, a Reuters
       or more decades.                    the economic meltdown caused by COVID19   poll showed on Wednesday.
         While Iraq is one of the richest countries   in 2020.                    A survey of 41 economists and analysts
       in the world in terms of valuable natural   Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020,   forecast benchmark Brent crude would
       resources, namely oil and gas, the country’s   Iraq had lived through several months of mass   average $103.93 a barrel this year, down from
       potential remains unlocked due to decades of   protests by average Iraqis who had demanded   a forecast of $105.75 in July but above its
       political storms, violent conflicts, and deep   better living conditions and an end to the   current $100 trading level.
       corruption.                         country’s, then, unemployment crisis among   U.S. crude was seen averaging $99.91 a
         Over the past few weeks, Iraq lived through  youth, which had reached (25%).  barrel in 2022, down from a July consensus of
       yet another major political hurdle, one that   However, protests that started in October   $101.28.
       reignited fears of its economy facing a new set   2019 were interrupted by the outbreak of   Oil prices have come off highs in March of
       of challenges.                      COVID-19, the pandemic that aggravated the   nearly $140 on recession fears, but concerns
         Iraq is a country of +40 million people,   Iraqi economy’s status.     about supply remain at the forefront, analysts
       with literacy rates exceeding 85.60% and a   Being an oil-reliant economy, Iraq received   said.
       GDP per capita approaching $5900 USD.  a major blow in 2020, as oil prices dipped to   Fundamentals point to higher prices, with
         Iraq’s most valuable commodity is oil,   historic lows, severely affecting the country’s   spare capacity below 2 million barrels per day
       making its economy overwhelmingly reliant   budget. During 2020, Iraq’s GDP shrank by   (mbpd), oil inventories at multi-year lows and
       on its oil wealth.                  11.3%, before being able to climb by 1.3% in   the European Union set to sanction Russian
         Oil makes up 99% of oil exports, 85% of its   2021, as oil prices rebounded globally.  oil via shipping in December, said UBS analyst
       government budget, and 42% of its GDP.  Each of these crises has left its mark on   Giovanni Staunovo.
         On a global rank, Iraq has the world’s 5th   the Iraqi economy, making it hard for its oil   “Also, ending sales from the strategic oil
       biggest reserve of oil and is the 6th largest   wealth to make up for the volatile economy.  reserves of OECD countries will remove
       producer, offering the world about 4% of its   Currently, Iraq’s unemployment rate   more than 1 mbpd of supply from November,
       oil needs.                          among youth exceeds 35% and government   pointing to tighter markets at the end of the
         Iraq is also rich in natural gas, being the   revenues are experiencing slow growth,   year.”
       33rd-largest producer, and has the world’s   thanks to soaring oil prices throughout 2022.   Most buyers have been cutting back
       12th-largest reserves.              However, the country’s economy will remain   on imports of Russian oil products since
         Iraq’s non-oil economy is largely driven   prone to instability and turbulence as long as   Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, with the EU
       by the country’s sectors of agriculture, food   political instability continues and as long as its   sanctions due to tighten later this year and a
       processing, chemicals, fertilizer, textile, leather   wealth is still as dependent on the oil industry.  full ban agreed from February 2023.
       goods, construction materials, tobacco, paper,   AL BAWABA                 “However, if and when the market realises
       and others.                                                              that Russia is still able to shift exports to
         These figures sadly do not match Iraq’s                                other regions, oil prices will retreat,” said John

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