Page 19 - LatAmOil Week 34
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       With regards to the drilling of the two new  had been suspended.         will be considered for the next drilling pro-
       wells this year, President has now entered into   Discussions have now recommenced includ-  gramme. Eco remains fully funded for a further
       the drilling contract, long lead items have been  ing as to financial and other terms, with Presi-  drilling programme on the Orinduik Block and,
       ordered, other service providers identified and  dent remaining as operator of the Concession.  subject to JV Partner approval, anticipates drill-
       the site locations are currently being prepared.  There is of course no guarantee that such discus-  ing at least two exploration wells into light oil
       The programme remains on budget and on  sions will result in mutually agreeable definitive  Cretaceous targets in 2021. Further updates on
       schedule to commence drilling the first well  agreements being signed, but in the event they  this matter will be made as appropriate.
       before the end of September. This will be one  do so proceed positively, it is currently antici-  The Orinduik JV partners are Eco Atlantic
       of the first conventional wells to be drilled in  pated that definitive agreements would be con-  (15% working interest (‘WI’)), Tullow Guyana
       Argentina since the start of the pandemic.  cluded before the end of this current year with  (Operator, 60% WI) and Total E&P Guyana
         As previously announced, the first well in the  commencement of drilling during 2021. The  (25% WI).
       drilling sequence is the Las Bases 1001 develop-  current Concession term extends to Q1-2022.  Outlook, Namibia: Eco continues to benefit
       ment well targeting 6 bcf of recoverable attic gas   In the Concession as a whole, President after  from a strategically significant acreage position
       in the Las Bases structure with a high chance of  detailed further sub-surface work has identified  in-country and is progressing its various work
       success. P50 (probable) well rate is 100,000 cubic  over 500mn boe of prospective resources. Refer-  programmes offshore Namibia. The company is
       metres day (605 boepd), target depth is 1,700  ence is once again made to the sub-surface pres-  witnessing an increased interest from multiple
       metres and estimated costs completed are some  entation on the Concession that can be found on  IOCs in Namibia. The Company continues to
       $1.9mn.                             the Company’s web page.              monitor upcoming drilling activity in the region,
         The second well in the sequence is the Estan-  President Energy, August 26 2020  which could potentially see up to five explora-
       cia Vieja EVN-1 exploration well: This well will                         tion wells drilled on behalf of ExxonMobil, Total,
       target a new structure with potential for both gas   Eco (Atlantic) releases   Maurel & Prom, Shell and ReconAfrica in the
       and oil reservoirs to the north of the producing                         next 12 months, expected to start Q4-2020.
       Estancia Vieja field, with the P50 case oil pro-  unaudited financial      Corporate: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic
       duction of 40 cubic metres per day (252 bpd) and                         and lower oil price environment, Eco took deci-
       60,000 cubic metres per day of gas (350 boepd)   results for Q2-2020     sive action to quickly reduce costs throughout
       and a target depth of 2,000 metres. The chance of                        the business. The Company has decreased its
       success is estimated at over 50%, and estimated  Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, the oil and gas explo-  total non-exploration expenses, including gen-
       costs of the well completed are $2.5mn. In a suc-  ration company with license interests in Guyana  eral and administration expense and compen-
       cess case, the whole of the Estancia Vieja north  and Namibia, has announced its results for the  sation costs incurred during the three months
       structure is opened up with a potential follow-on  three months ended June 30, 2020, alongside a  ended June 30, 2020 (Q1-2021), when compared
       drilling programme of an additional six wells  corporate and operational update.  to the three months ended March 31, 2020 (Q4-
       targeting up to 14mn barrels and 26 bcf.  Financials: As at June 30, 2020, the Company  2020), by 58%.
         Paraguay: On June 15, 2020 the Company  had cash and cash equivalents of $17.9mn with   The action generated material significant sav-
       announced that, prior to the COVID-19 crisis,  zero debt and remains fully funded for its share  ings and has ensured the business remains well
       following detailed due diligence, substantive  (15% WI net) of further appraisal and explora-  capitalised, with no debt on the balance sheet, for
       discussions had commenced with a National Oil  tion drilling at Orinduik Block offshore Guyana  its 2021 drilling and exploration plans.
       Company regarding a farm-in to President’s Pir-  of up to three wells at $120mn (gross).  Gil Holzman, President and Chief Execu-
       ity Concession, including the drilling of a well on   As at June 30, 2020, Eco had total assets of  tive Officer of Eco Atlantic, commented: “The
       the Delray complex. The announcement further  $19.2mn, total liabilities of $372,138 and total  Company has made significant strides towards
       stated that due to the crisis, those discussions  equity of $18.8mn; 58% cost reduction this quar-  advancing its asset portfolio in 2020. Due to the
                                           ter in response to COVID-19 strict cost cutting  actions taken, Eco remains well capitalised and
                                           measures taken as of April 2020.     fully funded for a further drilling campaign in
                                              Operations, Guyana: The Orinduik JV part-  Guyana and additional activity elsewhere.
                                           ners are further defining the Orinduik geolog-  “In Guyana, we have made excellent progress
                                           ical modeling, previous discoveries, prospects  with high grading and further defining multiple
                                           maturation and drilling targets selection. The  highly prospective drilling prospects. Alongside
                                           Partners are also reviewing and incorporating  our JV Partners, we firmly believe in the upside
                                           the latest Kanuku Block Carapa-1 light oil dis-  potential of the Block and we look forward to
                                           covery up dip and behind Orinduik and addi-  recommencing drilling activity in 2021. We look
                                           tional regional exploration information into  forward to updating the market on our plans in
                                           the models. The intention is to provide further  the coming months.
                                           definition to the Cretaceous interpretation and   “Despite the challenging macro backdrop,
                                           target selection for drilling.       Eco has a resilient business model and has
                                              On June 30, 2020, the Company and its  taken decisive action to preserve the Company’s
                                           Partners on the license approved a budget in  liquidity. We continue to benefit from strategi-
                                           the amount of approximately $5mn through to  cally important acreage positions in two explo-
                                           December 31, 2020, for 3D reprocessing based  ration hotspots and from a strong partnership
                                           on new regional results and target selection. The  and cooperation with our biggest shareholder
                                           Company’s share of this budget is $750,000.  Africa Oil Corp., and I look forward to updating
                                              Outlook, Guyana: Alongside its JV Partners,  the market on developments over the coming
                                           multiple drilling prospects on the license are cur-  months.”
                                           rently being reviewed. High-graded candidates   Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, August 20 2020

       Week 34   27•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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