Page 22 - LatAmOil Week 40
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LatAmOil                            NEWS IN BRIEF                                                   LatAmOil

                                                                                transaction in the last half of October 2020 and
                                                                                will keep the market updated on progress.
                                                                                  Transaction Effective Date: As previously
                                                                                announced, the effective date of the transaction
                                                                                remains 1 January 2019 such that the operating
                                                                                costs and revenues arising from Baúna will be
                                                                                captured in the adjustment to the purchase price.
                                                                                  Sale of Baúna Oil: Karoon is preparing to
                                                                                market its first Baúna cargo following comple-
                                                                                tion of the Baúna transaction.
                                                                                Karoon Energy, October 05 2020

                                                                                Petrobras starts binding
       Parex Plans 10% Share               contingent upon community safety. Along with   phase of Petrobras
                                           a Block LLA-34 and Cabrestero development
       Buy-Back & Executing                program, Parex is investing in growth oppor-  Biocombustível sale
                                           tunities through: Fortuna Block: Drill Cayena
       Exploration Programme               horizontal exploration well (spudded October  Petrobras, following up on the press release
                                           1, 2020); Boranda Block: Drill 1 appraisal well;  disclosed  on  August  3,  2020,  informs  the
       Parex Resources, a company headquartered in  Block LLA-94: Re-entry of Grulla well.  beginning of the binding phase regarding the
       Calgary, Alberta and focused on Colombian oil   Financial Strength: Parex is well-positioned  sale of its wholly-owned subsidiary Petrobras
       exploration and production, provides an opera-  for the challenges presented in the current busi-  Biocombustível.
       tional update.                      ness environment. The Company is debt-free   Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
         Share Buy-Back: Pursuant to the normal  and as at September 30, 2020 has a cash posi-  receive a process letter with detailed instructions
       course issuer bid (NCIB) that commenced on  tion of approximately $350mn and an undrawn  on the divestment process, including guidelines
       December 23, 2019, Parex has increased the  credit facility of $200mn. As at June 30, 2020 the  for due diligence and the submission of binding
       maximum daily cumulative share purchase  Company’s working capital was $339mn.  proposals.
       amount under the NCIB’s automatic share pur-  Parex Resources, October 05 2020  This disclosure complies with Petrobras’
       chase plan to 111,500 shares. As of September                            divestment guidelines and the special regime of
       30, 2020, Parex has repurchased 7.5mn shares   Karoon Energy provides    asset divestment by federal mixed capital com-
       under the NCIB and has 137.0mn basic shares                              panies, provided for in Decree 9,188/2017.
       outstanding, compared to 155.0mn as of January   Baúna acquisition update  This transaction is in line with the portfolio
       1, 2019.                                                                 strategy optimization and the improvement of
         Focused on generating long-term share-  Karoon Energy has provided the market with the  the company’s capital allocation, aiming at max-
       holder value, Parex has identified share buy-  following update on the status of the Baúna asset  imizing value for its shareholders.
       backs as a tool to acquire high quality proven  acquisition:               About PBIO was founded in 2008 and is
       barrels that generate a greater than two times   Remaining Conditions Precedent: As previ-  one of the largest producers of biodiesel in the
       recycle ratio at current Brent strip pricing. As  ously announced, transaction completion is sub-  country with 5.5% of market share in 2019. It
       such, Parex expects to purchase the maximum  ject to certain remaining conditions precedent  has three biodiesel plants located in: (a) Montes
       allowable 13.98mn shares under the NCIB, prior  under the Sale and Purchase Agreement (the  Claros, in the state of Minas Gerais, with a pro-
       to its expiry in late December 2020.  SPA), including the following key outstanding  duction capacity of 167,000 m3/year; (b) Can-
         Production: In response to COVID-19, Parex  third party/regulatory conditions precedent:  deias, in the state of Bahia, with a production
       minimized its social interactions in its operat-  (i) Agencia Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e  capacity of 304,000 m3/year, and (c) Quixadá, in
       ing communities and to maximize shareholder  Biocombustíveis (ANP) approval, and (ii) FPSO  the state of Ceará, mothballed, with a production
       value during periods of low oil pricing, Parex  charter assignment.      capacity of 109,000 m3/year.
       voluntarily reduced Q2 production. Following   ANP Approval: Significant progress has   The three plants are capable of using a mix-
       the increase in realized pricing, the Company  been made towards obtaining ANP approval  ture of up to 5 different raw materials (soy, cotton
       resumed production and operational activities.  and Karoon is addressing the ANP’s proposed  and palm oil, animal fat and waste oils) to pro-
       The Company’s priority remains the health and  form of approval and outstanding minor admin-  duce biodiesel, capturing advantages of seasonal
       safety of its employees, partners and the commu-  istrative issues relating to finalisation of the par-  price dynamics.
       nities where we operate.            ent company guarantee provided by Karoon in   This transaction consists of the sale of 100%
         Q2 2020 production of 40,858 boepd is com-  favour of the ANP.         of Petrobras’ shares in PBIO, including the three
       prised of 39,664 bpd of crude oil and 7,164 mcf   FPSO Charter Assignment: The FPSO char-  biodiesel plants, and does not include the sale
       per day of conventional natural gas.  ter assignment has also progressed and Karoon  of PBIO’s stake in BSBios Indústria e Comércio
         2020 Capital Expenditures $130-145 mm:  expects the documentation associated with this  de Biodiesel Sul Brasil  (50.0%). As disclosed to
       The Company has re-activated its development  assignment to be finalised and ready for execu-  the market, on July 10, 2020, PBIO concluded
       and exploration programme. Total full-year  tion after ANP approval is received.  the sale of its 8.4% stake in the company Bambuí
       2020 capital is estimated at $130-145mn with   Expected Transaction Completion: In light of  Bioenergia  to Turdus Participações
       an H2 2020 capital program of $55-$70mn,  the above, Karoon is now aiming to complete the   Petrobras, September 30 2020

       P22                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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