Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 40 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                the agreement is now completed.
                                                                                  Pursuant to the coordinated agreements
                                                                                with DOJ and the US Securities and Exchange
                                                                                Commission (SEC), Petrobras paid $853.2mn
                                                                                (10% in a criminal fine to DOJ, 10% in a civil
                                                                                fine to the SEC, and 80% for payments to the
                                                                                Brazilian authorities), committed to continue
                                                                                to improve its internal controls and compliance
                                                                                programme, and agreed to cooperate with US
                                                                                agencies, including by submitting annual reports
                                                                                to DOJ. The DOJ agreement also recognised
                                                                                that, in addition to the misconduct that was the
                                                                                subject of the agreement, Petrobras was victim-
                                                                                ised by the embezzlement scheme uncovered by
       MOVES                               area. It is an exciting time for the offshore indus-  the Brazilian public authorities in Operation Car
                                           try and the growth in the region is a strong pos-  Wash (Lava Jato).
       EEPGL contractor Bristow            itive that is good for Bristow, our customers and   foreseen in the agreement, Petrobras closes an
                                                                                  “With the conclusion of the obligations
                                           the citizens of Guyana,” said Byrne.
       Group appoints Byrne as             Cheddi Jagan International Airport Corp. and  have finally turned the page, and the end of
                                              Byrne also served as a Board member of  important stage in its recovery trajectory. We
       area manager for Guyana             the GCAA and previously worked at the GCAA  the DOJ agreement proves that we are living in
                                           as an Air Traffic Control Assistant and Airport  new times, with our compliance system being
       Bristow Group has appointed Courtney Byrne as  Duty Officer.             strengthened day by day. We now have a robust
       the Area Manager for Guyana. In this position,   Bristow Group Inc. is the leading global pro-  control system and anti-corruption measures
       Byrne will work closely with Bristow customers  vider of vertical flight solutions. Bristow pri-  that go beyond those required by law,” observes
       and across the company to deliver world-class  marily provides aviation services to a broad base  Petrobras’ Executive Director of Governance
       service as we grow our operations in Guyana  of major integrated, national and independent  and Compliance, Salvador Dahan.
       and foster relationships in the local community.  offshore energy companies. Bristow provides   Since  2018,  Petrobras  has  continued  to
       He will manage the local day-to-day operations  commercial search and rescue (SAR) services in  improve the effectiveness of its internal con-
       and will be responsible for ensuring the safety  several countries and public sector SAR services  trols and consolidate structural and governance
       of the team and passengers while also ensuring  in the UK on behalf of the Maritime & Coast-  changes by strengthening its culture of eth-
       that customer service delivery expectations are  guard Agency (MCA). Additionally, the Com-  ics, integrity, and transparency. The corporate
       being met.                          pany also offers ad hoc helicopter and fixed-wing  compliance programme includes, among other
         Byrne joined the Guyana Defence Force  transportation services. Bristow currently has  things, an independent Whistleblower Channel,
       in 1993 as an officer cadet and worked his way  customers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile,  mechanisms to combat fraud and corruption by
       up the ranks as co-pilot, pilot, flight operations  Colombia, Guyana, India, Mexico, Nigeria,  the companies with which Petrobras does busi-
       officer and flight operations manager, retiring as  Norway, Spain, Suriname, Trinidad, the UK and  ness (Due Diligence), and integrity analyses of all
       Commanding Officer of the Guyana Defence  the US.                        managers, administrators, and employees who
       Force Air Corps with 28 years of military expe-  Bristow Group, September 29 2021  work in critical processes (Integrity Background
       rience. He has an airline transport pilot license,                       Check). In addition to these measures, the com-
       a commercial pilot license with instrument                               pany invests in training on integrity-related top-
       rating on helicopters issued by the Federal Avi-  LEGAL                  ics for its employees, suppliers, and partners. As
       ation Administration (FAA) and Guyana Civil                              a result of its commitment to strengthening its
       Aviation Authority (GCAA) respectively and is   Petrobras meets obligations   governance and integrity practices, Petrobras
       a Transport Canada/GCAA-approved check air-                              successfully rejoined the Partnering Against
       man. He has over 3,500 hours of total flight time.  under agreement with US   Corruption Initiative (PACI), an initiative of
         “Courtney brings decades of aviation exper-                            the World Economic Forum (WEF) focused on
       tise and passion that will help us provide safe,   Department of Justice  anti-corruption and transparency issues.
       reliable and efficient service to Guyana. He is                            Petrobras will continue to cooperate with the
       committed to providing great support to our  Petrobras has concluded the obligations set  public authorities to fully investigate the illicit
       customers as well as growing our business in the  forth in its agreement with the US Department  acts that victimised it, and it will also continue to
       region. He is also committed to fostering strong  of Justice (DOJ), previously disclosed in its Sep-  seek compensation for the losses it has suffered
       relations in the local community and ensuring  tember 27, 2018, release. The non-prosecution  as a result of these acts. Consistent with these
       our operations are sustainable. As the only oper-  agreement, which related to Petrobras’ inter-  efforts, the company currently is co-plaintiff
       ator in the region, we are committed to main-  nal controls, accounting records, and financial  with the Federal Prosecutor’s Office and the Fed-
       taining our role as the global leader in vertical  statements during the period from 2003 to  eral Government in 21 pending administrative
       flight,” said Samantha Willenbacher, Senior Vice  2012, included certain obligations to be fulfilled  improbity actions and is an assistant prosecutor
       President for the Americas.         by the company. Petrobras has fulfilled these  in 81 criminal actions. Petrobras has already
         “I look forward to working with Esso Explo-  obligations, including continuing to enhance its  received more than BRL6.0bn in compensation,
       ration and Production Guyana Ltd [EEGPL] and  integrity programme and self-reporting to DOJ  including amounts that were repatriated from
       other customers in the region as we provide the  during the agreement’s three-year term, and has  Switzerland by the Brazilian public authorities.
       safest, most efficient vertical lift solutions in the  fully complied with the agreement. Accordingly,   Petrobras, October 4 2021

       Week 40   07•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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