Page 14 - DMEA Week 29 2020
P. 14

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

                         point in coordinating production increases  “challenging geology and reliance on enhanced
                         going forward.”                      oil recovery (EOR) hinder output increases.
                           Saudi Arabia, for instance, needs $70 per bar-  The sultanate cut production by nearly a quar-
                         rel oil to fund its budget, whereas Russia needs a  ter earlier this year, with most of this coming
                         price of only $42 per barrel to balance the books.  from Petroleum Development Oman’s (PDO)
                         And while Saudi Arabia made a voluntary cut of  large Block 6 concession. Compliance should
                         1mn bpd in June to help prices recover, Russia  not be an issue for Oman, but overcoming the
                         wants to avoid keeping back any more supply  economic ramifications of lower oil prices and
                         than it has to. It has plans to drill but not com-  returning to full output will be much more
                         plete thousands of wells, allowing Russian pro-  challenging.”
                         ducers to quickly ramp up supply as OPEC+   Global oil demand is expected to be 7.9mn
                         restrictions are eased and claw back market share  bpd lower this year than last, according to the
                         from competitors.                    International Energy Agency (IEA)’s latest
                           In a note on July 20, consultancy IGM Energy  monthly report. It will rise by 5.3mn bpd in 2021
                         said: “Bouncing back from the output cuts is  and exceed the 2019 level in 2022. This forecast
                         likely to be swift for Middle Eastern producers.  follows a 16.4mn bpd year-on-year decline in oil
                         Saudi Arabia made changes to rig schedules,  consumption in the second quarter, because of
                         with the Berri and Marjan crude increment pro-  COVID-19 lockdown measures.
                         jects slowed and units mobilised elsewhere. In   The world’s oil production came to 86.86mn
                         the UAE, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC)  bpd in June, a nine-year low and down 2.39mn
                         shut down Bab for maintenance for nearly the  bpd versus the level in May. This decline was
                         entire month of July. Meanwhile, Iraq will have  mainly on the back of OPEC+ cutbacks. Full-
                         less flexibility to increase output until October,  year output is forecast by the IEA to be 7.1mn
                         having agreed to compensatory production cuts  bpd lower in 2020 than in 2019.
                         for July, August and September, following its his-  “While the oil market has undoubtedly
                         toric non-compliance.”               made progress since ‘Black April’, the large,
                           Meanwhile, the Omani Ministry of Oil said  and in some countries, accelerating number of
                         that Muscat would show its “100% commitment  COVID-19 cases is a disturbing reminder that
                         to the OPEC+ alliance by cutting 161,000 bpd, as  the pandemic is not under control and the risk
                         of September 2020, from Oman’s quota.”  to our market outlook is almost certainly to the
                           Of Oman, the IGM Energy note added that  downside,” the IEA said. ™

       Iraq cuts exports to Asia and Europe

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S  State  Oil  Marketing  Organization  650,000 bpd above its OPEC+ quota, and fol-
                         (SOMO) will reduce the country’s exports to  lowing a stern telling off by the cartel during a
       Iraq is understood to   refineries in Asia and Europe as Baghdad seeks  recent meeting, Baghdad is expected to make up
       have cut oil supplies   to comply with its commitment to the OPEC+  for past non-compliance going forward.
       to several Asian and   deal.                             Last week, Baghdad agreed to make compen-
       European refiners by   SOMO officials were quoted by Bloomberg  satory cuts as it sought to redress its previous lack
       40-80% in July.   last week as saying that at least two buyers had  of compliance with the OPEC+ deal. This will
                         been told they would not receive any Basrah  see an additional reduction of 70,000 bpd in July,
                         crude grades in August, but that the marketer  another 314,000 bpd in August and 313,000 bpd
                         would seek to accommodate them in September.  in September.
                           Meanwhile, reduced volumes will be sent to   IOCs operating the country’s bountiful
                         four Asian refiners, while three European refin-  southern oilfields have once again been asked
                         eries will face a shortfall.         to reduce production, and Middle East Oil
                           According to Bloomberg, Iraq cut the term  & Gas (MEOG) understands that they are
                         oil supplies to several Asian and European buy-  to be compensated for the inconvenience.
                         ers by 40-80% for July.              Following our coverage in Week 26 of the
                           With heavy crudes from Venezuela in par-  call on IOCs and Basra Oil Co. (BOC) to
                         ticular out of circulation because of sanctions,  cut output by 350,000 bpd and 300,000 bpd
                         the market has heated up for heavier Iraqi grades.  respectively, MEOG understands that Lukoil
                         Basrah Heavy accounts for around 1.25mn bar-  had previously renegotiated the terms of its
                         rels per day of Iraq’s total crude output, and as  technical service contract (TSC) for West
                         production expands, this figure is expected to  Qurna 2 upwards from the $1.15 per barrel
                         surpass 2mn bpd by 2025.             originally agreed in 2010. This is understood
                           In May, the country was only able to imple-  to have been part of talks with Baghdad to
                         ment 46% of its commitment to reduce output by  revise downward the field’s plateau produc-
                         1.06mn bpd to 3.6mn bpd, with around 300,000  tion rate as it became clear that the crucial
                         bpd coming from ‘natural’ reductions at Halfaya  Common Seawater Supply Facility (CSSF)
                         and Gharraf as a result of cancelled orders and  would not come on stream in time to provide
                         limited storage. This left output at more than  the required water to boost output. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   23•July•2020
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