Page 21 - DMEA Week 29 2020
P. 21

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       encountered.                        Mubadala, OMV extend                   ADNOC will hold a 60% equity stake
         This data will help optimise the jacket                                in the venture, while Abu Dhabi’s ADQ, a
       platform pile foundation design, and pipeline   cooperation              state-owned holding company, will have the
       and cable-route engineering at the North                                 remaining 40%, the statement said.
       Field.                              Austrian state-run OeBAG and Abu Dhabi’s   ADNOC and ADQ’s investment platform
                                           Mubadala agreed to expand collaboration as   will evaluate and invest in anchor chemicals
                                           key shareholders in oil and gas group OMV   projects in the Ruwais park in Abu Dhabi.
       Probe ongoing at Cape Town          until 2030, OeBAG said on July 23, extending   part of a strategy to develop the United Arab
                                                                                  ADNOC CEO Sultan al-Jaber said this was
                                           a deal that would have expired in a year and
       refinery after blast                half.                                Emirates’ (UAE) derivatives sector and attract
                                              The two long-time anchor shareholders are
                                                                                foreign investment.
       Astron Energy, majority owned by global   backing the Austrian company at a time when   The two companies will conduct a
       commodities trader Glencore, said it was   low energy prices and a global economic crisis   comprehensive feasibility study of projects for
       too early to say when full production at its   are challenging the industry.  Ruwais. The results of the study are due before
       100,000 barrels per day Cape Town refinery   Representatives of OeBAG, which has   the end of 2020 and will include opportunities
       would resume as investigations continue into   a 31.5% stake, and Mubadala, with 24.9%,   for prospective investors.
       the cause of an explosion this month that   plan to meet twice a year to coordinate on   The joint venture will be incorporated
       killed two workers, Reuters has said.  strategy, including discussing the make up of   in the Abu Dhabi Global Market free zone,
         The early morning explosion and fire on   the management and supervisory boards, a   pending approvals, with both companies
       July 2 at South Africa’s third biggest crude oil   person familiar with OeBAG’s position said.  jointly determining the management team
       refinery also injured seven workers before   Their existing agreement would have   and board.
       the plant was shut down just as it had been   allowed either of the two parties to exit the
       restarting after an extended maintenance   deal in about 18 months, the person said.
       programme.                             The United Arab Emirates has been an   Algeria’s Skikda LNG plant
         “It is too early to determine when the   investor in OMV since 1994. “OMV remains
       refinery will be able to resume full operations   a strong and important part of our portfolio,”   returns after maintenance
       but we continue to import products to ensure   said Musabbeh Al Kaabi, Mubadala’s chief
       no interruption to supply,” said a company   executive for petroleum and petrochemicals.  Algeria’s Sonatrach has resumed liquefied
       spokeswoman.                                                             natural gas (LNG)production from its Skikda
         Two employees hospitalised following                                   plant after planned maintenance works, the
       the accident have been discharged and are   ADNOC, ADQ to form JV for    state energy firm said on July 23, according to
       recovering at home, Astron said on July 23.                              Reuters.
         “The investigation into the incident is   chemical projects              Operations resumed five days ago, and the
       well under way, with an external lead and                                country’s output and exports were not affected
       combined team of internal and external   Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)   during the maintenance as Sonatrach’s
       subject matter experts,” the spokeswoman said   and holding company ADQ have signed   complex in Arzew increased production,
       in a statement.                     a joint venture deal to invest in chemicals   Sonatrach said in a statement.
                                           projects in the planned Ruwais Derivatives
                                           Park, a statement from ADNOC said on July

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