Page 5 - GLNG Week 34 2021
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GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                           The two sides concluded talks on July 6 on  What next?
                         terms for the $2.4bn Pasca A, the country’s first  Oil Search said this week that it was in talks with
                         offshore gas project, with expectations high  the PNG government over the proposed merger
                         that a final agreement could have been signed  after Port Moresby warned that the merged com-
                         as soon as the end of the month. Kua said on  pany must not reduce its footprint in the country
                         July 13 that the deal would mean the state would   “We do not wish for the largest oil and gas
                         receive 55% of the project’s gross income.  company operating in our country to simply be
                           But Twinza said this week that despite Kua’s  a branch office of a foreign company,” Marape
                         statement to Parliament on August 10 that the  said on August 5. “Any proposed merger must
                         two sides had seven days to finalise a draft agree-  satisfy the national interest test.”
                         ment, the SNT had not made itself available to   Oil Search has almost 1,000 employees in   Port Moresby
                         meet despite Twinza’s continued efforts.  PNG, with nearly 90% of those being nationals,
                           Twinza, which confirmed that the state  acting Oil Search CEO Peter Fredricson told   succeeded in
                         would take 60% of project value or a 55% nom-  the Sydney Morning Herald on August 24. The   renegotiating
                         inal take, described the lack of engagement as  executive added: “The way we engage with PNG
                         “disappointing”.                     will continue to be positive.”       the terms for the
                           Chairman and CEO Ian Munro said: “Twinza   However, Credit Suisse has previously cited
                         remains hopeful that both parties can honour  PNG’s “higher political risk” as a question mark  5.4mn tonne per
                         the terms and agreement of the July 6, 2021 and  against Santos’ merger proposal. Indeed, the
                         that we can move immediately into the [front-  Sydney Morning Herald quoted analyst Saul   year (tpy) Papua
                         end engineering and design] FEED phase of the  Kavonic on August 24 as warning that Port   LNG project.
                         project.”                            Moresby could try to use its powers of approval
                           Twinza is planning to enter the FEED phase  to “extract more value”.
                         once a gas agreement had been finalised. A   The PNG government is capitalising on
                         final investment decision (FID) had been  strong LNG prices to force the hand of upstream
                         slated for 2022, with first production antici-  developers. The government is intent that any
                         pated in 2025.                       deal it signs must give it the best return possi-
                           Oil and gas companies are not only being  ble. This has slowed down projects and derailed
                         dragged to the negotiating table over new pro-  investment plans and, while higher gas prices
                         jects, however, with Santos and Oil Search’s  give Marape’s administration an edge in cur-
                         proposed AUD22bn merger also under Port  rent negotiations, it will do little to improve the
                         Moresby’s scrutiny.                  country’s credibility with future investors.™

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