Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 24 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       GasBridge becomes Brazil’s second

       private firm to buy Bolivian gas directly

                         GASBRIDGE (GBC), a natural gas trading   Brent for new contracts signed earlier this year.
                         company, has become the second privately   Compagas has described these short-term
                         owned Brazilian firm to buy natural gas directly   contracts with the trading companies as test
                         from Bolivia, without the national oil com-  cases for Brazil’s newly liberalised gas market,
                         pany (NOC) Petrobras acting as an agent or   which was until recently completely domi-
                         intermediary.                        nated by Petrobras. It has also acknowledged,
                           According to a report from Argus Media,   though, that its suppliers may not be able to
                         GBC signed a gas supply contract with YPFB,   provide 100% of the gas specified in their con-
                         Bolivia’s NOC, for the purchase of 2mn cubic   tracts, owing to Bolivia’s recent decision to cut
                         metres per day. The term of the deal has not been   exports to Brazil in order to boost shipments to
                         disclosed, but Argus said YPFB had agreed to   Argentina.
                         provide gas on an interruptible basis, meaning   Until recently, state-owned Petrobras was
                         that shipments may be halted or restarted at any   the only organisation in Brazil that had the
                         time, depending on the availability of supplies.   right to buy gas directly from Bolivia and then
                         In turn, it noted, GBC will be able to resell the   sell it directly to customers. Under the reforms
                         Bolivian gas on a spot basis.        adopted last year, though, private traders may
                           It went on to say that GBC would be using   now procure up to 2.2 mcm per day of gas on
                         the Bolivian volumes to uphold its own supply   their own. Tradener was the first to take advan-
                         contract with Compagas, the gas distribution   tage of the opportunity. ™
                         company of Paraná State. In a pilot project,
                         Compagas has signed deals with both GBC and
                         Tradener, the first private Brazilian company to
                         buy gas directly from Bolivia, for the delivery of
                         10,000 cubic metres per day of gas over short
                         periods of 10 days or less.
                           It opted to keep the scope of these deals rela-
                         tively modest because it could not secure more
                         pipeline capacity from Petrobras, which still
                         controls most of the country’s gas transporta-
                         tion network, Argus added. It also agreed to pay
                         for the gas at a price equivalent to 13.5% of the
                         Brent crude price, according to Brazil’s National
                         Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
                         (ANP), less than the NOC’s going rate of 16% of   Brazil imports gas from Bolivia via a cross-border pipeline (Image: Petrobras)

       Brazilian MPs vote to cap ICMS fuel tax

                         BRAZIL’S National Congress has weighed in   gasoline and ethanol until the end of this year
                         on the effort to rein in domestic fuel prices by   – before sending the bill to President Jair Bol-
                         passing a bill that caps the rate of the state ICMS   sonaro for signature.
                         tax on petroleum products, natural gas, electric-  The Brazilian government has said it expects
                         ity, public transport and telecommunications to   the measure to bring fuel prices down by the
                         17-18%.                              equivalent of about $0.15 per litre for diesel and
                           Both houses of the National Congress voted   $0.32 per litre for gasoline.
                         on the measure earlier this week. The upper   However, the new policy will also push
                         chamber, the Senate, passed it on June 13, and   federal spending up, as it will require Brasi-
                         the lower chamber, the House, passed it on June   lia to compensate state governments for the
                         15.                                  loss of revenue resulting from the capping of
                           In its vote, the House also approved certain   ICMS rates. (ICMS tax receipts are one of the
                         changes – namely, an amendment that elimi-  biggest sources of income for Brazil’s state
                         nates the federal PIS Cofins and CIDE taxes on   governments.)

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   16•June•2022
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