Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 07 2021
P. 10

FSUOGM                                            POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Satellite detects alarming methane

       leaks in Turkmenistan

        TURKMENISTAN     A satellite reportedly looked down on central  through the Canadian government to try to
                         Turkmenistan in early February and detected  reach the operator, but with no success so far.
       Methane is around 90   methane leaks from at least eight natural gas  GHGSat, said Bloomberg, declined to disclose
       times more potent a   pipelines and unlit flares in the Galkynysh gas  precise coordinates for the leaks in order to give
       greenhouse gas than   field, releasing as much as 10,000 kilograms per  the Turkmenistan government space to address
       CO2 over a 20-year   hour of the supercharged greenhouse gas.  the situation.
       period.             That amount of methane would have the   While the Turkmen leak wasn’t the biggest
                         planet-warming impact of driving 250,000  leak GHGSat has detected to date, it was the first
                         internal-combustion cars running for a similar  time it had captured as many as eight separate
                         amount of time, Stephane Germain, president of  plumes in a single image. Four of the plumes
                         GHGSat Inc, the company that said it picked up  were emissions from pipelines, likely caused by
                         on the leak, was cited as saying when explaining  problems with valves meant to control or halt
                         to Bloomberg what was observed using imagery  fuel flows, while the other four came from flares
                         produced by a new satellite capable of detecting  meant to burn fuel that can’t be transported or
                         emissions from individual sites.     processed, converting it into less-potent carbon
                           The company told how the satellite, GHGSat  dioxide.
                         - C2 (aka "Hugo") first spotted the eight plumes   Two of GHGSat’s three satellites can detect
                         of greenhouse gas, all within an area of 20 square  methane leaking at a rate of 100 kilograms per
                         miles, on February 1. “It’s reasonable to say this  hour in 50-square mile images, and the com-
                         happened for several hours,” Germain said in an  pany plans to launch nine more through 2022.
                         interview.                           The European Space Agency uses satellite tech-
                           GHGSat launched its first satellite in 2016,  nology that can detect leaks that release at least
                         but it wasn’t until last September that it had one  10,000 kilograms per hour. The satellite detec-
                         in orbit capable of picking out individual wells,  tion equipment available to those working in the
                         pipelines and mines. In the fourth quarter of  field is said to be improving rapidly.
                         2020 alone, according to Germain, the satellite   Methane raises particular concern for those
                         detected hundreds of leaks.          working to slow climate change. Odourless and
                           This isn’t the first time that GHGSat has  colourless, it is seen as extremely difficult to
                         raised an emissions alarm regarding Turkmeni-  detect and is a particularly potent greenhouse
                         stan. Last year, the company was taking satellite  gas, capturing 25 times as much heat as carbon
                         measurements from a volcano in the western  dioxide over the course of a century, and more
                         part of the country when it by chance hit upon  than 80 times over 20 years.
                         enormous qualities of methane rising from the   The International Energy Agency warned
                         nearby Korpezhe oil and gas field.   last month that an estimated 10% drop in global
                                                              methane emissions in 2020 was mainly driven
                         Time is of the essence               by lower production during the coronavirus
                         GHGSat sets out to work with refinery and  crisis rather than the prevention of leaks. Those
                         pipeline operators to stop methane leaks to min-  emissions may “rebound strongly” when global
                         imise emissions impacts. Its ability to commu-  economic activity picks up.
                         nicate with Turkmenistan is limited, Germain   In Central Asia, methane emissions rose
                         added in the interview, and time is of the essence  three-fold between March 2020 and the end of
                         for stopping large leaks. The satellite company  the year compared to the same period a year ear-
                         said it has been relying on diplomatic channels  lier, according to GHGSat. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2021
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