Page 17 - GLNG Week 10 2023
P. 17

GLNG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             GLNG

       Petronas works with Tiger  ClassNK issues four AiPs                      under a ten-year charter agreement signed
                                                                                by Excelerate Energy and Gasgrid Finland in
       Gas on LNG bunkering                for GTT projects                     May 2022.

       PETRONAS, the leading Malaysian oil and   On 6 March 2023, in Tokyo, ClassNK issued   The capacity allocation process for the
       gas company, recently inaugurated an LNG   four approvals in principle (AiPs) to GTT for   period between 1 April and 30 September
       bunkering business with its long-term partner   its latest development projects in alternative   2023 began on 15 December 2022, with
       TIGER GAS through its PETRONAS Marine   fuels. These included the concept of a 12,500   Gasgrid offering 14 terminal slots of 1,000
       brand. The launch of this business marks a   m3 LNG dual-fuelled very large crude carrier,   GWh. Estonian energy company Eesti Gaas
       significant step forward for PETRONAS in   fitted with the Mark III Flex system, the   reached an agreement to bring seven LNG
       promoting the adoption of LNG as a cleaner,   concept of LNG fuel tanks with ammonia   cargoes to the port of Inkoo in Finland in the
       more efficient, and sustainable fuel for   (NH3)-ready notation that includes material   spring and summer of this year. However,
       ships. The partnership between PETRONAS   compatibility with NH3, risk assessment   Gasgrid has now reduced the total number
       and TIGER GAS began in 2020, when the   and boil-off gas management, the concept of   of planned slots for Q2 and Q3 to 10 due to
       two companies signed a sale and purchase   an 8,000 car equivalent unit, pure car, truck   the limitation of transmission capacity in
       agreement to supply the Chinese market with   carrier LNG dual-fuelled with NH3-ready   the Baltic Connector and expected market
       LNG via ISO tanks.                  notation, and the RecycoolTM system applied   demand. Out of these 10 slots, three are free
         The recent inauguration ceremony   to LNG fuelled vessels. The Recycool system   for reservations, and Gasgrid’s unit and the
       followed the completion of PETRONAS   is designed to allow the reliquefaction of LNG   operator of the Inkoo terminal, Floating LNG
       Marine’s maiden ship-to-ship LNG bunkering   evaporation in order to reduce greenhouse   terminal Finland Oy, have invited interested
       operation of approximately 500 t of LNG for   gas emissions and economic losses. Among   parties to submit their bids for the remaining
       TIGER GAS’ Tiger Maanshan, the world’s   the approvals, the Recycool AiP marked   slots. Three slots of 950 GWh are available for
       largest dual-fuel deck cargo ship. TIGER GAS   a world-first AiP for a system of its kind.   April, August, and September.
       thus becomes the first Chinese customer of   ClassNK conducted verification on these
       PETRONAS’ LNG bunkering business. At a   accomplishments in accordance with its rules,
       commemorative event held at the TIGER GAS  including Part N incorporating the IGC Code,   Freeport gets greenlight to
       office, senior leaders from both companies   Part GF incorporating the IGF Code, and its
       were present, including PETRONAS Vice   Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels.  relaunch final train
       President of Refining, Marketing & Trading,   Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and
       Ahmad Adly Alias; Chief Representative of   CEO of GTT, expressed his pleasure at   Freeport LNG, a US-based liquefied natural
       PETRONAS Beijing Representative Office,   having received these approvals in person,   gas exporter, has secured regulatory approvals
       Lisy Lee; Head of PETRONAS Marine’s LNG   confirming the research and innovation work   from the Federal Energy Regulatory
       Bunker Sales, Mohd Firdaus Bin Kamilrudin;   performed by GTT engineers and technicians.   Commission (FERC) and the Pipeline and
       Chairman of TIGER GROUP, Gerry Wang;   Masaki Matsunaga, Corporate Officer/  Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
       Vice Chairman of TIGER GAS, CC Xue;   Director of Plan Approval and Technical   (PHMSA) to restart Train 1, the final train of
       President of TIGER GAS, Junfeng Xu; and   Solution Division, ClassNK, added that it   its three-train liquefaction facility in Texas.
       Vice President of TIGER GAS, Glenn Qu,   was an honour to welcome GTT’s team back   The company had previously restarted Trains
       among others.                       to Japan and hand over the AiPs for their   2 and 3 in recent weeks, with both reaching
         Alias said: “We are committed to making   innovative and inspiring concepts pursuing   production levels exceeding 1.5 billion cubic
       sustainability the cornerstone of our   low and zero carbon shipping upon their   feet per day.
       operations in China by providing energy   rigorous verification process in line with   However, Freeport LNG has cautioned
       solutions that would help accelerate the   the appropriate standards for each solution.   that feed gas flows and production rates
       progress towards the country’s ‘Dual Carbon’   He congratulated GTT on achieving these   may undergo changes due to the duration
       goal whilst collectively contributing to   milestones and looked forward to continuing   of the plant’s outage as it continues to be
       the energy industry growth alongside our   their partnership in implementing sustainable   recommissioned. The company has planned
       partners.”                          energy initiatives.                  a conservative ramp-up profile to ensure full
         The partnership between PETRONAS                                       three-train production is achieved over the
       and TIGER GAS began in 2020, when the                                    next few weeks.
       two companies signed a sale and purchase   Gasgrid reduces number of       The facility had been shut down after an
       agreement to supply the Chinese market with                              explosion incident in June 2022. While the
       LNG via ISO tanks. This ground-breaking   LNG import slots at Inkoo      initial restart date was set for early October
       solution allows small and medium-sized                                   2022, it was delayed several times. Despite
       businesses located at remote areas access to   terminal                  this, the company has been successful in
       natural gas, while helping them achieve their                            gaining regulatory approvals for the final
       sustainability goals.               Gasgrid Finland, the Finnish transmission   train’s restart.
         Wang added: “TIGER and PETRONAS   system operator, has reduced the number of   Freeport LNG’s liquefaction facility is a
       have maintained a sound partnership for   planned LNG import slots at the country’s   crucial energy infrastructure asset that has
       a long time. Today, offshore ship-to-ship   first FSRU-based terminal for Q2 and Q3   contributed significantly to the growth of the
       LNG bunkering has greatly shortened the   2023. The floating LNG terminal is located in   US LNG export industry. With the regulatory
       turnaround of LNG carrier vessels, laying   the port of Inkoo and is served by Excelerate   approvals in place, the facility can now operate
       a solid foundation for a more efficient and   Energy’s floating storage and regasification   at full capacity, providing a significant boost to
       greener LNG supply chain. In the future,   unit (FSRU) Exemplar. The FSRU has a   the LNG market.
       TIGER GAS will continue to work together   storage capacity of 150,900 m3 of LNG and
       with PETRONAS to facilitate the energy   can provide over 5 billion cubic metres per
       transition.”                        year (bcm/y) of regasification capacity to
                                           Finland, Estonia, and the Baltic Sea region

       Week 10   09•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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