Page 8 - MEOG Week 49
P. 8

MEOG                                   FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            MEOG

       Total looking for Sarsang buyer

        KURDISTAN        REPORTS  emerged last week that French   Following the transfer of ownership, HKN
                         super-major Total is looking for a buyer for its  now owns and operates all three production
                         18% stake in the Sarsang production-sharing  facilities on the Sarsang block. It said that drill-
                         contract (PSC) in the Kurdistan Region of north-  ing and completion work at the Swara Tika (ST)
                         ern Iraq.                            B2 well had been carried out, with oil flowing at
                           Speaking to Bloomberg, sources with knowl-  6,000 bpd, with ST-A1 expected to add a further
                         edge of proceedings said that the deal could be  2,000 bpd.
                         worth around $500mn to Total, which has raised   Production from both Sarsang and the Ain
                         $1.1bn by divesting non-core assets during the  Sifni block is trucked to facilities at the Tawke
                         first nine months of the year.       oilfield facilities for export by pipeline to the
                           Total is reported to have hired Jefferies Group  Turkish port of Ceyhan. HKN is reported to be
                         to market the 420-square km asset, which has  constructing a pipeline to tie into the Kurdistan
                         been operated by HKN Energy, a subsidiary of  export pipeline.
                         Dallas-based Hillwood International Energy,   While HKN has high hopes for the asset, esti-
                         since 2007. HKN owns a stake of 62%, with  mating production of 50,000+ bpd in 2021/22
                         Total’s share held by its TEPKRI Sarsang subsid-  and longer-term potential of more than 100,000
                         iary, with the Kurdistan Regional Government  bpd, it was never a key asset for Total, which
                         (KRG) holding its customary carried 20% work-  acquired its stake following its purchase of
                         ing interest. The Sarsang development area con-  Maersk Oil in 2017.
                         tains the producing Swara Tika and East Swara   Meanwhile, as the company seeks to agree
                         Tika fields.                         large gas deals with the federal government in
                           During its first-half results, HKN said that it  Baghdad, non-core asset ownership in the Kurd-
                         had identified 380mn stock tank barrels of gross  ish north is likely to prove more of a hindrance
                         2P reserves in Triassic reservoirs in Sarsang, with  than a help.
                         gross production flowing at around 25,000 bpd   Talks are believed to be ongoing, with no
                         at mid-year.                         decision yet having been taken on the sale.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   09•December•2020
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