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Timisoara municipality in Romania. The company plans to deliver the first batch of vehicles within 18 months. Bozankaya will produce 30-metre-long trams with a capacity of up to 170 passengers for this particular order. Previously, Bozankaya, in a consortium with Siemens Mobility, won a tender to provide cars to Bangkok’s metro system. In June 2018, Bozankaya became the first Turkish company to export metro trains, with first shipments going to the Green Line Project in Bangkok. Bozankaya was founded in 1989 in Germany as an R&D company. It expanded operations into Turkey in 2003, according to the company’s website. It currently employs 1,000 people, including nearly 100 R&D engineers. Bozankaya own the intellectual property rights to environmentally friendly, energy saving, low-noise vehicles and technology produced at its facilities in the Turkish capital Ankara.
Turkey’s plastic products producer Balkanlar Plastik has launched the construction of a plant in North Macedonia, an investment of over €7mn, the government in Skopje announced. Turkey is one of the biggest economic partners of North Macedonia. Direct Turkish investments in North Macedonia totaled €36.2mn in 2018 and €16.3mn in the first quarter of 2019.
74 TURKEY Country Report August 2019

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