Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 28 2022
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The Tie-5 horizontal well penetrated 240 meter
       of Agua Grande (AG) sand and was completed
       with a 4.5-inch uncemented pre-perforated liner
       to 2,409 metres. A coil tubing unit was used to
       clean up and then stimulate the reservoir before
       blowing the well dry using nitrogen. An ESP was
       run in the hole on 3.5-inch tubing and the well
       immediately responded by flowing oil and gas
       to surface. The cleanup period resulted in high
       gas volumes which are expected to decrease with
       time. The ESP is not currently in use due to the
       high gas volumes.
         Jonas Lindvall, CEO of Maha, commented:
       “We are encouraged by the results of Tie-5 and
       we are happy to see the Agua Grande flow nat-
       urally to surface. Again, the results demonstrate
       the quality of the Tie field and the prolific nature
       of the Agua Grande reservoir.”
         Tie-6 (water injector): The Tie-6 well (8-TIE-
       6D-BA) was spudded on June 12, 2022, and is  quarter 2022 or beginning of the fourth quarter  platform-agnostic GeoVerse™ ecosystem. Fol-
       currently drilling 8.5-inch hole at 1,740 metres.  2022, with an approximate acquisition duration  lowing the successful release of GeoWells Mex-
         Tie Light Oil Field: The Tie light oil field was  of 60 days. The final acquisition scope under the  ico and GeoWells Brazil, we will further expand
       discovered in 2009. Maha purchased the field in  contract, which has a maximum value of approx-  the GeoWells portfolio into other core basins
       2017 and immediately embarked on an expan-  imately $11mn, has not yet been determined.  globally to deliver high-value insights to the
       sion project of the field and the oil processing   EMGS, July 4 2022     energy industry.”
       facilities.                                                              CGG, July 12 2022
         At acquisition, the Tie field was producing   CGG releases new GeoWells
       1,300 bpd of oil and the processing facilities were                      PRIO doubles Frade
       rated to handle up to 2,000 bpd of oil.  database for Brazil
         During 2018 and 2019, Maha recompleted                                 field production
       two wells and placed them on jet pumps. Maha  CGG has released a new GeoWells Brazil data-
       also drilled a new producer at the crest of the  base, an expertly curated and re-interpreted  PRIO, formerly known as Petro Rio, has reported
       structure. In parallel to the recompletions and  digital data set of all the relevant geological and  the start of production of the 7-FR-54H-RJS
       drilling, the Tie field processing facilities were  engineering legacy data for 197 key wells from  (ODP4) well, in the Frade field, located in the
       upsized to handle and process 5,000 bpd of oil.  the Santos, Campos, and Espirito Santo Basins.  northern Campos Basin, with stabilised initial
       In 2020, Maha installed two large compressors to  Available for license within CGG’s Earth Data  production of approximately 15,000 barrels per
       provide the ability to reinject any unsold associ-  library, this new GeoWells product provides  day (bpd) of oil, significantly above original pro-
       ated natural gas. The compression system allows  every well in those three basins with a uniform,  jections, doubling the Field’s production and
       the field to continue to produce oil even if the  21st century view of the subsurface within  increasing the Company’s production by 45%,
       associated gas off-take is interrupted.  a single digital ecosystem, enabling a better  to 48,500 bpd of oil.
         The oil is trucked to two customers nearby  understanding of the pre-salt blocks in Brazil’s   The ODP4 well, the first of Frade’s Revitalisa-
       and the associated gas is compressed and also  Permanent Offer initiative.  tion Campaign, was concluded in 68 days, sub-
       sold on the local market.              The GeoWells Brazil database was built by  stantially lower than the expected time, resulting
         The Company also hold interests in 6 other  CGG’s Data Hub. Its data scientists, subject mat-  in a 30% cost reduction for the well’s construc-
       exploration blocks in the Reconcavo Basin.  ter experts, and machine learning and software  tion and subsea connection.
       These blocks are in varying stages of exploration.  engineers work together to develop leading   Due to the OD4 well’s lower execution period
       Maha Energy, July 13 2022           digital transformation solutions and services  and cost, PRIO decided to anticipate the drill-
                                           that help users rapidly access all of their data  ing of an additional producer well, the MUP3A.
                                           to overcome subsurface challenges and reduce  Although this new well has lower expected
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                cycle time.                          production (approximately 3,500 bpd), it will
                                              A new feature used in the creation of GeoW-  also have significantly lower CAPEX, since the
       EMGS wins contract to               ells Brazil is an innovative core image interpreta-  MUP3 well’s subsea structure, which no longer
                                           tion workflow. This harnesses machine learning  produces, will be used.
       execute CSEM survey                 technology to predict core and thin section   Therefore, the first phase of Frade’s Revital-
                                           descriptions over hundreds of wells, and tens of  isation Campaign now includes 4 wells (2 pro-
       in the Caribbean                    thousands of images.                 ducers and 2 injectors), and the CAPEX relating
                                              Dechun Lin, EVP, Earth Data, CGG, said:  to this phase will remain the same as per initial
       Electromagnetic Geoservices (EMGS) has been  “GeoWells products bring together the full force  estimates.
       awarded a proprietary survey for CSEM acqui-  of CGG’s multidisciplinary earth data exper-  PRIO will keep the market informed of
       sition in the Caribbean by an International Oil  tise with the digital transformation technology  new developments in Frade’s Revitalisation
       Company (IOC).                      and experience of our Data Hub team to deliver  Campaign.
         EMGS expects the survey to start late third  unique databases powered by our cloud-hosted,   PRIO, July 11 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 28   14•July•2022
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