Page 6 - AsianOil Week 12 2023
P. 6

AsianOil                                         OPINION                                             AsianOil

       Xi, Putin meeting: “Loud thunder

       but few raindrops”

        CHINA            CHINESE President Xi Jinping took his leave of  possible time. Orders have been given to ensure
                         Russian President Vladimir Putin from a two-  the conditions are agreed,” he told reporters,
       Putin was well    day visit to Moscow with a smile on his face and  state newswire Ria Novosti reports. “We hope
       pleased with the visit   the words: “Right now there are changes – the  it’ll be this year.”
       that showed China’s   likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years – and   “Much more interesting is the list of joint
       commitment to Russia   we are the ones driving these changes together,”  documents signed during the summit. You will
       and gave him some   Xi told Putin on the steps of Kremlin as he bid  search in vain there for anything about Power
       badly needed legitimacy  him farewell.                 of Siberia 2, Putin's pet project that would see
       for his military    Xi is right, but those changes are mostly in  a massive increase in pipeline gas exported to
       campaign in Ukraine,   China’s favour. Putin was well pleased with the  China (50 bcm),” said Radchenko.
       but beyond the    visit that showed China’s commitment to Russia   In the press conference after the meetings
       platitudes he got little   and gave him some badly needed legitimacy for  were over, Putin spoke as if the deal was done
       in the way of concrete   his military campaign in Ukraine, but beyond  and dusted: “"We have just discussed a good pro-
       material support from   the platitudes he got little in the way of concrete  ject, this is a new gas pipeline Sila Sibiri 2 (Power
       Xi.               material support from Xi.            of Siberia 2) running across Mongolia. Almost
                           First, Xi seems to have put a little more dis-  all terms of this deal were agreed. This means 50
                         tance between himself and Putin, dropping the  bcm of gas, stable and reliable shipments from
                         February formula of a "partner without limits" in  Russia," Putin said.
                         a joint statement from Xi and Putin, released on   Putin promised to deliver at least 98 bcm of
                         February 4. That phrase didn’t appear in the final  gas a year to China by 2030, or about two thirds
                         joint statement from this trip.      of the volumes Russia used to deliver to Europe.
                           On Ukraine, China did make concessions  Yet work on the pipeline has yet to begin and
                         to the Kremlin. China laid out a 12-point peace  remains at the blueprint stage.
                         plan on the anniversary of the start of the war on   Radchenko points out that, combing through
                         February 24 that led with “respecting the sover-  the Kremlin’s official list of agreements on joint
                         eignty of all countries”, but that formulation was  Russo-Chinese projects released after the meet-
                         not in the final statement.          ings, there is no mention of the deal at all, but the
                           “Ukraine was a persistent theme. Putin  closer co-operation in the Far East, organising
                         expressed appreciation for China's position  exhibitions and soybean production are there.
                         paper, and the joint statement referenced the  Indeed, there are no details on any of the $165bn
                         issue. Compared to the position paper, it did  worth of deals that Putin said had been signed
                         not refer to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial  during Xi’s trip.
                         integrity, undoubtedly on Russia's insistence,”   “Putin announced several times during the
                         Professor Sergey Radchenko at the Kissinger  visit that the project was nearly, oh so nearly,
                         Centre said in a tweet and quoted the Chinese  ready. But nothing was signed... I guess the Chi-
                         expression “Loud thunder but few raindrops” to  nese are still haggling over the price, which they
                         sum up the concrete results of the meeting.  are right to do because Russia stupidly lost all
                           Another mismatch between the two posi-  leverage by cutting itself off from Europe,” said
                         tions was on the progress in building the mooted  Radchenko.
                         Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline. This new 50bn   The negotiations over POS2 are likely to drag
                         cubic metre gas route is designed to increase the  on for years. Xi was in Moscow on his first for-
                         volume of gas Russian can sell to China and is  eign trip after re-election to a third term as pres-
                         a complement to the existing Power of Siberia  ident. Following his second re-election a decade
                         1 pipeline that went online a few years ago and  ago he also chose to visit Moscow and at that
                         already carries 15 bcm a year. The new pipeline is  time negotiations for the POS1 deal began, but
                         a key part of Russia’s plan to re-orientate Russia’s  those also took years to complete as the two sides
                         gas business from Europe to Asia.    haggled over the offtake price. This time round,
                           Russia’s top energy official, Alexander Novak,  after Russia has entirely lost its biggest customer,
                         said the Kremlin hoped a deal with China on  Europe, the Russian negotiating position is sig-
                         POS2 could be signed this year. “The companies  nificantly worse.
                         have been given orders to work out the details of   “Xi didn't even give a nod to minimal pro-
                         the project and get to signing it in the shortest  gress on the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline, a

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