Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 45
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         bid to increase imports. But the country’s larg-  years – will not be resolved quickly.
                         est buyers of LNG remained hesitant to strike   “There will be no significant difference under
                         long-term deals amid still-fragile bilateral rela-  Biden on major issues such as Taiwan, Hong
                         tions and ongoing market volatility. However,  Kong, the South China Sea, Xinjiang, Tibet and
                         there are hopes that relations are now starting  China’s religious and human rights situations,”
                         to improve.                          said a professor at Renmin University in Beijing,
                                                              Shi Yinhong, who advises China’s State Council
                         Improving relations                  on foreign affairs, was quoted by the newspaper
                         The Peterson Institute for International Eco-  as saying. “But Biden is not nearly as wild, vulgar
                         nomics (PIIE) reported this week that as of Sep-  and volatile as Trump, so he can be expected to
                         tember 2020, China’s imports of energy products  bring more predictability and stability to Wash-
                         had reached $5.3bn so far this year, far short of  ington’s China policy.”
                         a year-to-date target of $15.4bn. Separately, Pan-  This could boost the chances of Cheniere and
                         jiva, a unit of S&P Global Market Intelligence,  other US LNG exporters striking new long-
                         found that China’s imports of US LNG totalled  term supply deals sooner rather than later. In
                         about $300mn during the first half of the year,  particular, Cheniere has been trying to finalise
                         accounting for only a small amount of the coun-  a deal with Sinopec, which was first on the cards  Beijing expects
                         try’s overall energy purchases from the US.  prior to the trade war breaking out but which
                           China has nonetheless continued its effort to  subsequently stalled. This was further compli-  relations to be
                         ramp up purchases, and the Foran deal indicates  cated by the collapse in LNG prices recently,   less volatile,
                         that LNG trade is anticipated to grow.  leading to Reuters reporting in January that as
                           Meanwhile, Beijing is also assessing what Joe  well as waiting for trade relations to be restored   but not to veer
                         Biden’s expected victory in the US presidential  between China and the US, Sinopec could seek
                         election – currently in the process of being con-  to review the terms of the deal. It had initially   significantly
                         firmed – will mean for relations between the  been valued at $16bn prior to the collapse of
                         two countries. Early indications, according to  LNG spot prices.          from the course
                         the Financial Times, are that Beijing expects   Little has been said about this deal since, but   taken by current
                         relations to be less volatile, but not to veer sig-  it is thought that Cheniere is continuing to pur-
                         nificantly from the course taken by current  sue it.                      President Donald
                         President Donald Trump – at least not for some   According to US government data, Cheniere
                         time.                                sent nine LNG cargoes to China between March   Trump.
                           Some Chinese state media outlets have  and August 2020, after trade resumed. This
                         expressed cautious optimism about the poten-  accounts for a small proportion of the compa-
                         tial for US-China relations to be repaired  ny’s overall trade, with Cheniere reporting in its
                         under Biden, the Financial Times reported.  third-quarter results that it had sold 261 cargoes
                         But it added that most advisers to Beijing  over January-September 2020. Even without a
                         believe tensions – which brought US-China  new long-term deal, though, Cheniere’s ship-
                         relations to their lowest point in at least 40  ments to China seem set to rise.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   12•November•2020
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