Page 7 - MEOG Week 16 2022
P. 7

MEOG                                  PRICES & PERFORMANCE                                            MEOG

       Iraq continues upstream push

       while sticking with OPEC+ decision

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S top driller this week provided updates  across Basra, Kirkuk and the centre of the coun-
                         on its efforts to support the state’s upstream push  try. The focus of its work has been fields oper-
                         while the oil ministry said Baghdad remains  ated by international firms, with IDC drilling
                         committed to the deal reached among the mem-  120 wells at Rumaila, 37 at Zubair and helping
                         bers of the OPEC+ group.             reclaim up to 20 wells at West Qurna-1.
                           Iraqi Drilling Co. (IDC) director general Bas-  He also noted “the imminent signing of a
                         sim Abdul Karim said this week that the com-  contract for 22 wells in the Buzurgan oilfield”
                         pany is working to support the Ministry of Oil’s  with CNOOC, having agreed a deal for 150 wells
                         (MoO) plans to expand oil production capacity  at the same field last year.
                         from the current 5mn barrels per day (bpd) to   Abdul Karim also reported this week that the
                         8mn bpd by 2027.                     company had completed the drilling of a well at
                           Noting the ministry’s planned E&P projects  the Gharraf oilfield on behalf of Malaysian oper-
                         targeting resources in the south-eastern wet-  ator Petronas. He said that the well was drilled to
                         lands as well as offshore the al-Faw peninsula,  a total depth of 3,389 metres by the IDC drilling
                         Abdul Karim said IDC “continues to sign more  rig and is one of 28 it has been contracted to drill
                         strategic co-operation agreements with […]  under a turnkey deal.
                         international drilling companies” having deals in   Abdul Karim added that the rig has already
                         place with American firms Halliburton, Weath-  begun creeping mobilisation to the next drilling
                         erford and Schlumberger; Chinese companies  location – J120P – meaning that the move would
                         including Bohai and Zhongman Petroleum  be swifter than if it needed to be dismantled first.
                         and Natural Gas Group (ZPEC); Azerbaijan’s   Petronas holds 45% in the technical services
                         SOCAR and an as-yet unnamed Russian firm.  contract (TSC) for the 1.3bn-barrel Gharraf
                           He said that co-operating with international  field, located around 85 km north of Nassiriyah
                         firms will support IDC in drilling in offshore and  city. It is partnered by Japan Petroleum Explora-
                         semi-submerged locations, “as well as training  tion (JAPEX) with 30% and state-owned North
                         and qualifying the company’s staff in line with  Oil Co. (NOC). The licence was awarded dur-
                         the development of technologies and expertise  ing Baghdad’s second international licensing
                         in the field of diverse drilling globally”.  round in late 2009. The consortium is currently
                           Abdul Karim’s comments follow state  working to develop capacity from 70,000 bpd to
                         moves to tap undeveloped resources and add to  230,000 bpd.
                           In January, the Iraqi National Oil Co. (INOC)  OPEC+ commitment
                         finally concluded a deal agreed in 2019 – delayed  With the head of the state oil marketer Somo
                         by the Covid-19 pandemic – for its Oil Explo-  Alaa al-Yasiri saying this week that Iraq’s exports
                         ration Co. (OEC) subsidiary to collaborate with  are running at around 3.4mn bpd, the MoO reit-
                         the state-owned China National Offshore Oil  erated its commitment to the output restraint of
                         Corp. (CNOOC) on an onshore/offshore explo-  the OPEC+ group.
                         ration project. This will see the Chinese firm   Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said: “Iraq
                         target a 530 square km area offshore the Al-Fao  is within the agreement of the OPEC + countries,
                         peninsula with OEC focusing on a connected  and is included in the schedule of production
                         120 square km onshore area, southeast of the  increases that are distributed to all countries.”
                         6.4bn barrel Zubair oilfield.          He added: “We are committed to the deci-
                           The MoO is also looking to explore four large  sion of the OPEC+ countries that monitor the
                         areas in the south-east, described to Middle  oil market and set a schedule for increases when-
                         East Oil & Gas (MEOG) by an MoO source as:  ever the oil market sees the need to pump more
                         Area A (between Nasiriyah and Block 10); Area  oil”, noting that the latest uptick was 400,000 bpd.
                         B (between Nasiriyah and Gharraf); Area D   Jihad added that “oil markets are affected
                         (east of Nasiriyah) and Area E, which covers the  by several factors, including wars, political and
                         marshlands of Dhi Qar.               health tensions, and the increase and decrease
                           Meanwhile, Abdul Karim said that IDC has  in demand for oil. We note that the Rus-
                         begun work on 43 wells at the Majnoon oilfield,  sian-Ukrainian war has caused an increase in
                         which will be completed within two years, while  demand due to a lack of supplies, and therefore
                         also carrying out projects at oilfield clusters  there is a rise in oil or gas prices”.™

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