Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 23
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       US lawmakers back more

       sanctions on Nord Stream 2

       US attempts to thwart the project could backfire by straining ties with Berlin

        US               THE US could impose more sanctions in an  energy independence and gives Russia an open-
                         attempt to prevent Russia from completing the  ing to exploit our allies. Congress must once
       WHAT:             Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany. But with a  again take...action and stand in this pipeline’s
       US lawmakers have   mere 6% of the pipeline left to lay, further puni-  path.”
       proposed further   tive actions may fail to thwart the project, and   Nord Stream 2 had been due to start flowing
       sanctions on Nord Stream   could backfire by further straining Washington’s  gas under the Baltic Sea to Germany by the end
       2.                relations with Berlin.               of last year. But construction fell behind sched-
                           US Senators Ted Cruz, Republican, and  ule because of Denmark’s delay in issuing new
       WHY:              Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, introduced a  permits and was halted completely after the US
       Washington claims the   bipartisan bill to the Senate on June 4, named  sanctions were imposed. Putin has said the pipe-
       project is a threat to   the Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Clarifi-  line could be finished by late 2020 or early 2021,
       European energy security.  cation Act (PEESA). The draft legislation builds  using Russia’s own pipelaying vessels.
                         on a law passed in December that threatened   The US has long opposed Nord Stream 2,
       WHAT NEXT:        sanctions against companies providing pipelay-  blasting the project as a tool for Russia to assert
       Washington’s actions   ing vessels for Nord Stream 2’s construction. The  political influence in Europe. Moscow has coun-
       could provde ineffectual   move prompted Swiss contractor Allseas to quit  tered, saying Washington is simply looking out
       and jeopardise ties with   the project.                for the commercial interests of US gas exporters.
       Germany, a big supporter   “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin contin-
       of Nord Stream 2.  ues to try to circumvent those sanctions, and so  Laying the pipe
                         this new bill will once and for all clarify that those  The new sanctions bill will need to be passed by
                         involved in any way with installing pipeline for  both chambers of Congress and signed into law
                         the project will face crippling and immediate  by US President Donald Trump.
                         American sanctions,” Cruz said on his website.  It adds sanctions on companies provid-
                           Efforts must continue to counter Russia’s  ing services or facilities for pipelaying vessels,
                         “malign influence” in Europe, he said.  including welding equipment, retrofitting or the
                           “Nord Stream 2 threatens Ukraine, Europe’s  tethering of the ships. These companies could

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