Page 3 - Phlebotomy Legal Considerations Flash Cards
P. 3

          What are some other                                     manslaughter, misuse

           legal issues (criminal

                              law)                                of prescription drugs,
                                                                             abuse, theft

                                                                Refuse care, be treated with respect,

          What are the patient's                                have all records and information be
                                                                kept confidential, be informed about
                   bill of rights?                              the purpose and expected results of

                                                                treatments, have access to their
                                                                medical records

          What are the types of                                   Informed, expressed,

                         consent                                                  implied

           What are three types                                        Physical, sexual ,

                        of abuse                                                   verbal

         What are two types of                                               Intentional,

                   medical torts                                            unintentional
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