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Antecubital Space “AC”: Located at the bend of the elbow
Blood bank – A place where blood is collected from donors, typed, separated into components, stored, and
prepared for transfusion to recipients; a blood bank may be a separate free-standing facility, or part of a larger
laboratory in a hospital
Blood-borne Pathogens Standard – An OSHA-mandated set of requirements con
Biohazard – Anything that is a risk to organisms, such as ionizing radiation or harmful bacteria or viruses
Biologic hazards – Also called biohazards; any risks to organisms. Including ionizing radiation and harmful
bacteria or viruses; any conditions or phenomena that increase the probability of harm
Decontamination – The process of removing foreign material such as blood, body fluids, or radioactivity; it does
not eliminate micro-organisms but is a necessary step by step preceding disinfections or sterilization
Empathy – Sensitivity to and identification with another person’s problems, without expressing sorrow or
Exposure control plan – An OSHA-compliant plan that explains ways to minimize or eliminate exposure of
humans to blood-borne pathogens; in general, it should include its date of development, scope of information,
universal precautions, engineering and work practice controls, personal protective equipment, and cover
housekeeping, waste disposal, laundry, vaccinations with follow-up evaluations, communications, training, and
first aid
Edema – A collection of fluid under the skin
Hematoma – A collection of blood underneath the skin, also known as a bruise
Hemoconcentration – Excessive accumulation of blood into an area of the body, usually caused by a tourniquet
left on too long or patient pumping their fist
Hemolysis – Destruction of red blood cells
Infection – The invasion and proliferation of pathogens in body tissues
Isopropyl alcohol – An antiseptic agent that reduces the presence of micro-organisms on the skin
Lateral – Toward the side, away from the center of the body
Lumen – Hollow cone of the vein, best place for needle position during venipuncture
Means of transmission – How a pathogen moves to a host via direct or indirect contact with people
Medial – Toward the middle, close to the center of the body
Median cubital vein – Vein located near the middle of the antecubital area. First choice for venipuncture
Medical asepsis – The practice designed to reduce the number and transfer of pathogens as well as break the
chain of infection; clean technique
N95 or N99 respirator – A mask that helps protect the wearer from airborne diseases
Palpate – To feel with the fingers
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