Page 4 - Art Form - Publisher
P. 4

All of us do some sort of graphic design to promote what   programs (I use Microso  Publisher)
         we do. Then we post it or email it or send it to the Modes-  So, when you are finished with it, save it as a PDF file and
         to Bee “Sceene Sec on.”  Oh wait...there is no scene sec-  send it to me and I transfer it to the eMagazine and send
          on any longer.  OK, you get the idea.  Also, I am sure that   you a link for you to email to your list.  Simple.
         most of us lay out our informa on in one of the graphics

                      Step 1.                              Step 2.                             Step 3.
          Lay out your promo on on the           Read it over thoroughly or         This is what it will look like in
            standard size page.  A plain        have someone proof-read it                 the emagazine.
           font, such as this reads best.             for you and then
           Add photos or whatever you            when sa sfied, simply  tle         If you use two pages, I suggest
            like. Use a 12 point font or         it and save it as a PDF file.           that you use one for
             above.  Also, if you put an                                           immediate events and the sec-
            ac ve link on the page 99.9        I will not review your verbiage      ond for awareness for events
           percent of the  me it will be         for mistakes or typos.  Next       in the work or planned for the
             ac ve in the emagazine.            step is to email it to me, I like              future.
                                               to have your work by the 20th
            You may consider adding a          of the month for the following       Tell ‘em what you want them
           dona on bu on link as well.                                                        to know.
                                                      month’s events.

                                     This is a link to an early version of “Arts
                                     Stanislaus.   You get the idea of what the
                                     finished product looks like

                                     h ps://

                                     If you have any ques ons or comments, or ideas,
                                     these are my contacts:
                                     John Griswold of Red Tie Arts
                                 The email for submi ng too.
                                     209-543-4261   Operators are stand by
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