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Paris Can Wait, December 3, 6:30 P
SAnne (Diane Lane) is at a crossroads in her life. Married to a successful but ina en ve movie pro-
ducer (Alec Baldwin), she unexpectedly finds herself taking a car trip from Cannes to Paris with her
husband's business associate (Arnaud Viard). What should be a seven-hour drive turns into a care-
free two-day adventure replete with diversions involving picturesque sights, fine food and wine, hu-
mor, wisdom and romance, reawakening Anne's senses and giving her a new lust for life
Must Love Dogs, December 10, 6:30 PM
Sarah (Diane Lane), is 40 and recently divorced. Believing Sarah needs to date more,
her sister, Carol (Elizabeth Perkins), creates an online da ng profile for her. Simulta-
neously, Jake (John Cusack) reluctantly decides to try Internet da ng. Sarah and Jake
meet, and though both agree they are not interested in a serious rela onship, their
chemistry is undeniable. But, when Bob (Dermot Mulroney) suddenly shows interest
in Sarah, her future with Charlie becomes unclear.
Love Actually, December 17, 6:30 PM
Nine intertwined stories examine the complexi es of the one emo on that con-
nects us all: love. Among the characters explored are David (Hugh Grant), the hand-
some newly elected Bri sh prime minister who falls for a young junior staffer
(Mar ne McCutcheon), Sarah (Laura Linney), a graphic designer whose devo on to
her mentally ill brother complicates her love life, and Harry (Alan Rickman), a mar-
ried man tempted by his a rac ve new secretary.
It’s A Wonderful Life, December 24th, 6:30 PM
George Bailey has so many problems he is thinking about ending it all - and it's
Christmas! As the angels discuss George, we see his life in flashback. As George is
about to jump from a bridge, he ends up rescuing his guardian angel, Clarence -
who then shows George what his town would have looked like if it hadn't been
for all his good deeds over the years.
Women That Made History, Wednesdays 6:30 PM
This drama zed series portrays six remarkable women in
unprecedented detail. Cleopatra, Jeanne d’Arc,
Queen Elizabeth 1, Catherine the Great.
PLEASE NOTE: Movies are subject to change depending
on availability online.