Page 3 - Sponsorship Pkg. 2023
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Our Mission:

          Red Tie Arts (RTA) A 501(c)(3) CA Corp. has a twofold purpose:

          1.    Produce and Present quality arts and entertainment events to enhance the quality
          of life in our area.
          2,    To help underprivileged talented children realize their “Artistic Dreams” through

          financial gifts and grants and to enhance the lives of these children.

                                                               never see the general operating fund.
          Our goals
          are grand and lofty when it comes to                 2.   Unspecified donations, as well as
          what we would like to do for these under-            funds raised through our fundraising
          served but talented kids.  We would like             concerts, go into the general fund to help
          to help every child that needs the help to           pay for the artists, promotion and pro-
          further his/her artistic dreams.  At the             duction costs.  All profits from our activi-
          moment we are concentrating on music                 ties end up in the Red Tie Kids fund any-
          education, In the final version of the RTA           way. RTA is an all volunteer organization
          Granting Program, we hope to one day be              meaning that non of the Board or volun-
          able to fund all forms of artistic endeav-           teers get paid
          ors, and as our funding grows, so will
          our reach.                                           Who will benefit

          Red Tie Arts has basically two parts or                  The children will benefit--and indirect-
          purposes:                                            ly-- society as a whole will benefit by hav-
                                                               ing more productive and responsible
          One part is responsible for creating and             adults.  The following quote is from
          producing events while the other part is             the Journal of the American Academy of
          to help our underserved children and                 Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and high-
          their Artistic Dreams, the first part fuel-          lights our mission:
          ing the second...along with your help, of
          course.                                              “Children who play the violin or study pi-
                                                               ano are learning more than just Mozart. A
          How your donation (s) can help                       University of Vermont College of Medicine
                                                               child psychiatry team has found that mu-
            Your donation will help us reach our               sical training might also help kids focus
          goal of financially helping at least 60              their attention, control their emotions and
          children in the 2023 school year.   Your             diminish their anxiety.”
          donation will help RTA in two ways:
                                                                   This is one of many studies regarding
          1.   All donations may be specified to go            the positive effects of children studying
          straight to the Red Tie Kids                         music.
          scholarship account.  This is money that
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