Page 20 - Final for publication for January
P. 20

Our Creative Community

          By David Schroeder

          Remember the plaintiff teenage lament, “There’s nothing to do in this hick town!” Well, when it
          comes to art in Modesto and Stanislaus County it’s just not true. We have an abundance of art and art
          activities, to the degree that it’s almost impossible to find a free date on which to schedule an art
          activity that isn’t in conflict with another, equally wonderful event – competing for an audience.

          Since I began working to revive the Arts Council in the County, this observation, about the
          abundance of art in our area, has repeatedly impressed itself on my consciousness, and I continue
          to discover artists, arts groups, and arts activities that I was unaware of in the past. As you can see,
           if you check out our new web site at, and look at the directory, it’s an
          impressive list, and it keeps growing.

          In as much as it’s the mission of the Arts Council to support and promote the arts in our area, and
          given my own lack of awareness as to the extent of the playing field, I thought that a first step would
          be to make a list and find a way to introduce the members of our creative community to each other
          and to the greater community of Stanislaus County. To my surprise, a planned art exhibit at the
          Mistlin Gallery, titled “Love Modesto,” to be displayed in April, has given us a place to start.

          I have teamed up with Bill
          Harris, who has an extensive
          collection of all things Modesto
          and we have begun work on a
          project we have labeled, Our
          Creative Community, part of
          which will be on display during
          the Love Modesto show at
          Mistlin. We have plans to move
          our collection beyond Modesto
          in the future and maybe publish
          it in a magazine that might
          become a visual directory of the
          arts in Stanislaus County. But
          that’s in the future. For now,
          here are a few samples of what
          might appear in the Love
          Modesto show.

          What better a place to start looking at area arts that by paying tribute to two past pillars of our arts
          community, Grace Lieberman, the two-time director of the Arts Council, and Tony Mistlin, the
          primary supporter of the Mistlin Gallery.
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