Page 8 - Final for publication for January
P. 8

My name is Teresa Saltos.  I was               tained a Juris Doctor degree in

                 born in Turlock, CA to farmworker  2015,  The discipline required for

                 parents.  From a very young age, I  Law School has been instrumental

                 realized that my solace and happi- in the completion of my childhood

                 est moments were always found                  dream.
                 within the pages of a book, I se-
                                                                My poems are not necessarily
                 cretly dreamed of writing my own
                                                                “pretty” poems-the topics are
                 book one day.  I started by writing
                                                                oftentimes those that people
                 opinion columns for a local news-
                                                                would rather not discuss out of
                                                                fear of causing estrangements

                 In 1995, I became a registered                 within their circle, but a wound

                 nurse and I thrived as a nurse for  need sunlight to heal.  I invite my

                 more than 25 years.  Suring that               readers to leave the darkness in

                 period, my intellectual restless-              the past and start walking toward

                 ness kept me in school until I ob-             the sunlight.
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