Page 42 - NOvember 18 Graffiti
P. 42

The Paint’s the Thing!

                Most of the Classic Cars of this era had
              "Flame" painting.  Also popular at the time
             was something called "Scallops? Which, un-
             like flames, tended to follow the lines of the
             car's body.  This style was more popular circa
             1950 through the 1960s automobiles.  Popu-

             lar too is the two-tone paint, which also ac-
            cented the car's lines or highlighted the top or
              the fenders.   Styles ranged from subtle to
             high-contrast colors.  Shown here are a few

              pages of excellent examples of such paint
            jobs.  In the American Graffiti town of Modes-
              to, CA.  A Custom Car Shop owned by Gene
             Winfield was the most renowned customizer
                           of cars around.
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