P. 38

PARENT LOGIN                                                                               By: Bimal Rajah K

        Step: 2

               Choose “Subject” from drop down. If there is no subject                  and type subject name

        Step: 3

               Choose “No. of Questions”, “No. of Options each”, “Marks per Question” & “Negative Mark for
        Wrong Answer”

        Step: 4
               Upload Question Paper. (Only “pdf/image” & SIZE less than “2 MB”)

                              Click Choose File             Select a PDF / IMAGE                OPEN

        Step: 5

               Tike the Live exam for conducting a live exam.
        if you can’t tike the live exam student can attend the exam any time
        before expiry.

        Step: 6
        In Live Exam:

                         Choose “Start Date & Time”                 Choose “Duration”

        If it’s not a live exam

                        Choose                     Choose “Expiry                Choose

                 “Start Date & Time”               Date & Time”                “Duration”

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