Page 2 - March 2019 Lakewood Village
P. 2

smart spending
                            YOUR MONEY

                                  THE JOURNEY:

                                  ‘BUCKET’ APPROACH TO SPENDING



         REAL ESTATE EDGE        by Janet Kidd Stewart                                                                       $65,559 in cash. Without the cash
                                                                                                                             reserve, a 60/40 stock/bond allocation
               Publisher              nyone  retiring  in  2019 could    “Creating a bucket                                  would mean the couple had $300,000
            Allison Van Wig      A     understandably be feeling a                                                           in stocks and $200,000 in bonds.
            CA DRE #00985700            little skittish.                                                                       Clearly, the cash bucket creates a
                                  There’s retirement research showing   strategy can help clients                            more conservative portfolio overall,
                                 market declines in the first few years                                                      which is important for retirees to
                                 providing enough income for life, and  compartmentalize assets                              understand  as  they  try  to  find  the
                                 can devastate a portfolio’s chances of
                                                                                                                             appropriate amount of risk to cover
                                 recent volatility after a nearly decade-                                                    their expenses and inflation.
                                 long bull market is worrisome.         designed for certain                                   Now, for the cost side of the
            4435 E Village Rd     Interest rates moving higher could                                                         equation.
          Long Beach, CA 90808   be a good sign, in theory, for someone          purposes or                                   Anyone about to retire should know
                                 hoping to build ladders of CDs, for                                                         precisely how much they are spending,
           562-882-1581          example. On the other hand, if it also                                                      though advisers said this is sometimes
  ushers in an era of rising inflation,   periods of time.”                                 a big area for miscalculations.
    that’s troubling, too.                                                                        Particularly in the first few years,
                                  But  if  delaying  is  no  longer  an                                                      travel and hobby expenses can really
                                 option,  either because  of  health,                                                        add up, notes Mike Alves, a financial
                                 the  job market  or simply  your  own  market decline.       Social Security benefits and they have  planner in Pasadena, California.
                                 conviction, consider building in a few   “Creating a bucket strategy can  retirement accounts worth $500,000.  “Every client is different,” he
                                 contingency plans.            help clients compartmentalize assets   Suppose the couple wants to  said. Rather than building in an
                                  Several financial advisers contacted  designed for certain purposes or  withdraw $21,853 this year from  unsustainable  long-term withdrawal
                                 for this article said they are carving  periods of time,” said Ashley Folkes,  savings, which is the spending rate  rate  to  accommodate  a few  trips  in
              6425 Busch Blvd.,    out cash buckets for retirees’ living  a financial planner in Scottsdale, Ariz.  recommended  by  BlackRock’s the early years, he carves out another
             Columbus, OH 43229  expenses. Some of them take spending  “Having safe money to draw down   LifePath Spending Tool. Using a  bucket for big-ticket items. Clients see
     money directly from the cash bucket,  from for the first few years alleviates  bucket strategy, the couple would put  that bucket and know that when it’s
                                 replenishing it with stock gains  some of the stress from the buckets  $65,559 into the cash bucket while  gone, it’s gone, and they are left with
            Sudoku, Scrabble, Crossword   periodically, while others keep the  (that are invested in stocks),” she said. investing the remaining $434,441 in  their long-term withdrawal rate that
            and articles distributed by
            Tribune News Services and   cash as a reserve to draw from during   Consider a couple retiring this  a portfolio of 60 percent stocks and  pays the essentials, he said.    n
             Brandpoint where noted.   market downturns.       year at precisely their full retirement  40 percent bonds.
             © Copyright 2019 by    Either way, they say the cash acts  ages, as defined by the Social Security   So, the couple will have about   ©2019 Tribune Content Agency
            Discover Publications, Inc.  as a volatility buffer, allowing clients  Administration. The 66-year-olds will  $260,665  invested  in  the  stock   Distributed by Tribune
              All rights reserved.
                                 to refrain from panic selling into a  get a combined $3,000 a month in  market, $173,776 in bonds and the   Content Agency, LLC.
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