Page 8 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Village ~ October 2019 Issue
P. 8

entertaining and food


                                     eeding your family
                                     wholesome meals that
                              Feveryone enjoys can
                               feel like a challenge, especially
                               on busy days. With different
                               food preferences and limited
                               time to cook, it’s easy to fall
                               into meal ruts where you eat
                               the same thing over and over
                                 It’s time  to  add  a little
                               color and creativity to
                               dinners with meals that
                               come with maximum  taste
                               and nutrition achieved with
                               minimum effort. Here are
                               five  ideas  to  inspire  healthy
                               dishes the whole family will
                               love, with extra nutrients
                               you can feel good about:
                                  DIVIDE YOUR PLATE
                                 Let your plate be your
                               guide in showing one of
                               the easiest ways to make
                               sure your family is getting
                               enough good-for-you foods.
                               In  general, divide your
                               plate into quarters. Half of
                               the plate should be filled
                               with vegetables like a salad              QUICK TIPS
                               or a combo of fruit and
                               broccoli in one quarter and  ON ADDING EASY, ENJOYABLE AND HEALTHY
                               vegetables, such as steamed
                               sliced peaches in another.
                               On the other side, a quarter       ELEMENTS TO YOUR FAMILY’S MEALS
                               would be for whole grains
                               including whole wheat toast   include all of the ingredients  extra nutrient boost without  and kale tossed with Asian  Try using frozen fruit as an
                               or brown rice. The final   for a gourmet salad. All you  sacrificing taste, puree some  Avocado dressing and topped  affordable simple base for any
                               quarter would be for lean   have to do is toss and serve.  steamed cauliflower and add  with honey roasted sesame  smoothie. You can also add in
                               protein, such as chicken                          to mashed potatoes to make  chips,  crunchy  wonton vegetables like chopped frozen
                               breast, eggs or beans.        HEALTHY HIDDEN      them extra delicious and   strips, and sweet dried corn.  spinach for a vitamin boost
                                                                EXTRAS           wholesome.               You can also pair it with a  you won’t even taste among
                                  UTILIZE SLAW KITS       It can be an endless battle                     turkey burger or an avocado  all the fruit. Mix with ice and
                                 Packed with fresh produce,   to get kids (and adults!) to eat   CREATIVE TWISTS  crab salad and you have a  milk or juice and blend until
                               slaw salads are a wonderful   more vegetables. Try being   Sometimes you have to  restaurant-quality meal.  smooth.
                               addition to any meal that   creative  when it  comes  to  shake things up to keep meals
                               adds a satisfying crunch.   including vegetables into  interesting, but it doesn’t   SMOOTHIES        With  these  five  tips  and
                               However, most people don’t   family favorites. For example,  require trying out complex   Want to give your family  tricks, you’ll change your
                               have the time or the know-  add a subtle sweet touch to  new recipes. Roll the new  healthy fruits  and vegetables  mealtime mindset and be
                               how to make restaurant-  your mac and cheese with  Fresh Express Asian Avocado  while they feel like they’re  able to shake up your family’s
                               quality slaw. Fresh Express   a bit of pureed pumpkin or  Premium Slaw Salad Kit into  getting a treat? Whip up  menu with healthful fare to
                               makes dinner a culinary   supercharge spaghetti sauce  a wrap for a great lunchtime  smoothies as an easy breakfast  please palates of all ages.   n
                               adventure. Their new, chef-  by adding finely chopped  meal. It comes with a blend of  or a nourishing drink that
                               inspired Premium Salad Kits   sweet bell peppers. For an  Napa, red and green cabbage  works with virtually any meal.   ©2019 Brandpoint.

                                                                                 GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICHES
                                                                                  WITH OVEN-DRIED TOMATOES

                                                                                    DIRECTIONS                       THE OVEN-DRIED TOMATOES

                                                                                                                   Preheat the oven to 300 F (150 C). Line a small
                                                                                  THE SANDWICH                   baking sheet or baking pan with parchment paper.
                                                                        Prepare the oven-dried tomatoes ahead of time.   To peel the tomatoes, bring a small saucepan of
                                                                      Alternatively, place the pieces of sun-dried tomato  water to a boil. Meanwhile, on a counter nearby, place
                                                                      on a double thickness of paper towels to drain.  a mixing bowl filled with ice cubes and water. With a
                                                                        Preheat a skillet large enough to hold the two   small, sharp knife, cut out the tomatoes’ cores and, on
                                                                      full sandwiches over medium heat. You can also   the opposite, flower end of each, score a shallow X.
                                                                      make one sandwich at a time if your skillet is   With a wire skimmer or slotted spoon, lower the
                                                                      smaller. Meanwhile, generously spread one side of  tomatoes into the boiling water. As soon as their
                                                                      each of 2 bread slices with a quarter of the butter.  skins begin to wrinkle, 5 to 15 seconds, use the
                                                                      Place those slices buttered side down in the skillet.  skimmer or spoon to lift them out and transfer them
                                                                        Place a slice of the cheddar on top of each bread   immediately to the ice water to cool.
                             INGREDIENTS                              slice in the pan; arrange 4 oven-dried tomato or   As soon as the tomatoes are cool enough to

                             FOR THE SANDWICH:                        drained sun-dried tomato pieces evenly on top;  handle, peel off and discard their skins, starting at
                                                                      and place the provolone over the tomatoes. Place  the X and, if necessary, using the knife to help. Cut
         •  Oven-dried tomatoes         •  2 slices white cheddar cheese,
           (recipe attached)              each about 3/4 ounce        another slice of bread on top of the cheese, and  each tomato into 4 equal wedges through the stem
                                                                      spread the tops with the remaining butter.  and flower ends. With your finger or a small spoon,
         •  3 tablespoons unsalted butter,   •  2 slices provolone cheese,   Cook the sandwiches until their undersides are   scoop out the seeds from each quarter, leaving just a
           at room temperature            each about 3/4 ounce        deep golden brown, about 3 minutes, pressing   petal-shaped piece of tomato flesh.
                                                                      down on them lightly but firmly with the underside   Place the tomato pieces side by side on the lined
         •  4 slices good-quality egg bread
           such as brioche or challah, or white                       of  a metal spatula halfway  through  that time to  baking sheet. Sprinkle evenly with the sugar, salt
           sandwich bread                                             compact and seal each sandwich. Use the spatula  and pepper. Drizzle evenly with olive oil. Place the
                                                                      to turn them over, press down gently again with  garlic cloves and thyme sprigs among the tomatoes.
                       FOR THE OVEN-DRIED TOMATOES:                   the spatula, and cook until their other sides are   Bake the tomatoes until they begin to shrivel and
         •  2 good-quality medium-sized ripe   •  Pinch freshly ground white pepper  nicely browned and the cheese has melted, about  darken in color, about 45 minutes. Remove the pan
           tomatoes                                                   3 minutes longer.                          from the oven, and set aside. When cool, cover and
                                        •  2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
         •  3/4 teaspoon sugar                                          With the spatula, transfer the sandwiches to  store in the refrigerator and use within one day.   n
                                        •  2 garlic cloves, smashed   a cutting board. With a sharp  knife, cut  each
         •  Generous pinch kosher salt                                sandwich diagonally in half and transfer to serving
                                        •  2 sprigs fresh thyme                                                                 © 2019 Wolfgang Puck Worldwide, Inc.
                                                                      plates. Serve immediately. Serves 2.                  Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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