Page 4 - Van WIg & Associates Newsletter - Alamitos Heights Real Estate Edge, June 2019
P. 4

Q & A with the real estate expert

                            ASK ALLISON & CINDY

                                 Should You Give Your Kitchen a Makeover?

                                        Dear Allison and  projects that offer the greatest   • Install new cabinetry if  So, for example, if all of  enhance the look of your
                                        Cindy, My husband  return on your investment.  necessary. Beautiful cabinets  your  appliances  are  black,  kitchen, so damaged or worn
                                Q and I are selling our  Plus, since many potential  really  enhance  your  kitchen.  and you need to buy a  flooring should definitely
                                        home because we are  buyers consider the kitchen  But if they don’t need to  new refrigerator, choose a  be replaced. Ceramic tile is
                                 downsizing. We have loved  to be the heart of the home,  be replaced, refinish or paint  black one. This will create a  a popular choice, but other
                                 living in this beautiful house,  the design plays a major role  them in a neutral color that  polished, uniform look.  options, such as laminate,
                                 so  moving  is  bittersweet.  in  their  decision  to  buy  a  adds warmth and gives them         hardwood,  or  even  bamboo,
                                 But we know that it is the  particular house. So when you  a professional look.   • Add tile backsplash.  are also appealing.
                                 best decision for us, and we  are remodeling your kitchen,               If you don’t currently have
                                 are really looking forward  choose features that appeal   •  Replace  cabinet  hard- backsplash in your kitchen,   If you have any questions
                                 to embarking on the next  to potential buyers. This will  ware. Update old cabinet and  installing it can really beautify  about your kitchen remodel,
                                 chapter of our lives. However,  grab their attention when  drawer  knobs.  And  consider  the space. Consider subway  feel free to call me. I would
                                 before we put our home  they are looking at photos of  adding soft-close cabinet  tile, which is popular and  be happy to answer any
                                 on the market, we need to  your home, so you’re more  hinges, which are popular  adds a touch of flair.  questions or schedule a
                                 remodel our kitchen. We have  likely to receive requests to  among buyers.                        time to meet to discuss your
                                 maintained our home very  tour it.                                         • Replace your kitchen  particular needs.   n
                                 well throughout the years, so   When determining which   • Install new countertops  faucet. A new faucet can
                                 we don’t need a major kitchen  features  to remodel,  it’s  if  necessary. Damaged  greatly enhance your sink.
                                 remodel.  And  we  know  that  important  to realize  that  countertops should definitely  Removing and replacing
                                 even minor updates can  potential buyers notice even  be replaced because they make  moldy or peeling grout can
                                 greatly enhance the space and  seemingly minor details, such  your kitchen look worn and  also make your sink look
                                 make  a  huge  impact.  What  as scuffs on the floor or small  outdated. Several materials are  clean and well-maintained.
                                 tips can you offer that will  cracks in the countertops, so  available, including granite
                                 really transform our kitchen  make sure that you make any  and quartz, which add a touch   • Update your lighting.
                                 and create a fresh, updated  necessary repairs and updates.  of absolute elegance. When  Replace old, dated lighting
                                 look that not only attracts  When your kitchen remodel is  choosing countertops, make  with modern options. Recessed
                                 potential buyers but also helps  complete, the space will exude  sure that they complement  lighting is always a popular
                                 us receive a return on our  a  modern  aesthetic  and a  your existing décor.  choice, and if you have an
                                 investment?             warm, welcoming atmosphere                       island,  consider  installing  (or   Allison Van Wig
                                                 Natasha. that will help your home stand   appliances.  Stainless  steel  above it. Under-cabinet LED   (CA DRE #00985700) and
                                                                                                     your updating) pendant lighting
                                                                                                                                       Cindy Hinderberger
                                                         out from other houses on the
                                A     Dear      Natasha: market.                  appliances are definitely  strip lighting also adds a nice   are Real Estate experts with
                                                                                                                                      (CA DRE #01902607)
                                                           The following are some tips  popular, but if you don’t  touch.
                                                                                                                                       Van Wig & Associates.
                                       kitchen is  a  wise  that I recommend to give  already own them and need
                                 decision. After all, kitchen  your kitchen an updated look  to replace one (or more) of   • Install new flooring   You can call or email them at:
                                 renovations are at the top of  and increase the return on  your  appliances,  stay  within  if necessary. Clean, well-  562-754-8802 or
                                 the list of home improvement  your investment:   your  current  color  scheme.  maintained floors really

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