Page 11 - Allisons Magazine Issue #95
P. 11

organized this ad hoc festival of sorts.
 Dubbed the New York City Vintage                                      “   THE MUSEUM
 Train Jazz and Swing Platform Festival,                                   RELEASES ABOUT
 this one-day event in December (always                                    300 TICKETS,
 on a Sunday afternoon) sees these
 subsets converge with the general public                                  THOUGH THE
 in joyful celebration.                                                    NUMBER VARIES
                                                                           A BIT EACH YEAR.
 The seven-hour shindig features twelve                                    IN 2017, SUBWAY
 to fourteen bands playing fifty-minute
 sets on the train, a designated station                                   SWING SOLD OUT IN
 platform, or both. Bands include                                          UNDER NINE
 ensembles that are already well known                                     HOURS, WHICH
 to swing dancers, those headed by                                         IS THE FASTEST
 frequent side players who want to
 present themselves as bandleaders, or                                     TICKETS HAVE EVER
 emerging groups eager to get in front                                     SOLD OUT.
 of new audiences. Because this is a free   © Shaelyn Amaio  © Marc Hermann
 event, the public is encouraged to tip
 generously and the bands are given the
 nudge to advocate for themselves.          which began in December of 2014.    relationship and a really good way for us
                                            Shaelyn Amaio, public programs      to bring the community to life.”
 This kind of gathering is a big deal       producer at the museum, explains, “We
 in dense New York City, where large        knew there were swing dancers and   The Transit Museum is open six days a
 collective spaces are few and far between.   people in vintage clothing enjoying the   week, and it offers a great opportunity
                                            vintage cars, but they didn’t necessarily   to tour some of the vintage trains with
 Why does Winn willingly take on such a     know about the Transit Museum. We   fewer crowds around. You can sit on the
 giant project? “I’m always happy to help   saw it as an opportunity to grow our   rattan seats, look up at the ceiling fans,
 with events that help musicians earn       audience by bringing people into the   read the retro advertisements, and pose
 a living, but this one is a gift to all of   museum and continuing the celebration   for memorable Instagram pictures. There
 those communities,” she says.              of the vintage trains there.”       are guided tours of the museum on the
                                                                                weekend as well.
 Winn is equal parts humble about and       The train picks up people at a designated
 proud of this unofficial event. It’s a true   subway station and heads to the   Whether it’s a ticket to Subway Swing,
 labor of love, garnering her no reward     museum, where the musicians play and   an official Nostalgia Ride, a visit to the
 other than the mirth that comes from       the party happens. The museum releases   New York Transit Museum, or simply
 watching the awed faces of those who       about 300 tickets, though the number   hopping on a vintage train during the
 do not expect a train car full of people   varies a bit each year. In 2017, Subway   holiday season, anything associated
 decked out in vintage garb, elaborate      Swing sold out in under nine hours,   with the restoration and running of
 hairstyles, and a six-piece New Orleans-   which is the fastest tickets have ever sold   the vintage subway cars is a wonderful
 style jazz band to suddenly appear in      out. Amaio says, “People come every   opportunity to experience history
 front of them.                             single year and call me in October to   firsthand—and maybe to dance a bit of
                                            ask when tickets are going on sale. We   swing on the side.  
 The New York Transit Museum took           feel so lucky to have that community   For more info, visit
 notice of the success and joy of this      of people who want to share that    nostalgiarides
 musical day and created an official        experience and want to come back to
 annual event called Subway Swing,          the museum. It’s become a really lovely
 © Shaelyn Amaio

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