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new tech


            IS A POWERFUL TOOL FOR SMALL                                                                                                               BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY


            f you own a small business, or  along with a marketing approach to  avoiding contact while buying is  easier for small business owners who
            frequently shop at one, you know  boost your digital presence.  better for health and safety for your  need funds for their business.
        I that COVID-19 has instantly     Use your existing customer email/ employees and customers
        changed everything. As brick-and- mailing list to let customers know   With  many  businesses  eager  to   ACCESS DATA TO DRIVE REAL
        mortar shops have had to temporarily  they’ll  be  able  to  find  your  business  welcome  customers  back  into  stores,   TIME BUSINESS DECISIONS
        close to customers, the need to adapt  online soon—even if you’re not yet  their return also will bring new   Partnering with Visa can help
        has never been greater.        ready to launch. Reminding loyal  protocols and procedures. Offering  provide businesses of any size with
                                       customers of your business is key during  contactless payment options in-store  useful data and analytics to inform
          For  small  businesses  willing to  this transition period, before their new  means customers can tap and go,  critical  business  decisions  as  you
        reinvent themselves, going digital— shopping habits have solidified.  avoiding the need for them to touch  deal with the new influx of online
        or ramping up your digital operation                          the checkout terminal.         activity. Insights from that data can
        if you already have one—can help   STRENGTHEN YOUR DIGITAL       Not only is tapping to pay a reliable  help you assess purchase risks and
        weather  the storm. There are  plenty   TOOLKIT TO MEET CUSTOMERS   solution, contactless transactions  understand the wider marketplace
        of tools available to help your business   IN NEW WAYS        are secured with dynamic  EMV®  as your business adapts to the “new
        survive —and even thrive—through   A study conducted by Visa in  Chip security technology that has  normal.”
        the pandemic and beyond.       2018 found that less than half (46%)  already shown to drastically reduce
          “Helping small businesses find fast  of U.S. small businesses had an online  counterfeit fraud.  PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS
        paths to recovery as they navigate an  presence of any kind. If your business   Using an established leader in   AND YOUR CUSTOMER
        overnight move to digital commerce  doesn’t yet have a website, or if you  contactless transacting, like Visa,   Due to the many disruptions
        is a top priority at Visa,” says Jack  don’t have an eCommerce platform,  helps you and your customers have  caused by the pandemic, there has
        Forestell, Chief Product Officer, Visa.  your first priority will be setting that  a seamless experience. Visa works  been a significant increase in disputes
        “Using our network, partners and  up. Using an eCommerce platform  with  partners  worldwide  to  support  between buyers and sellers. The need
        products, we help sellers get online  like Shopify can help you pivot to an  secure transactions, with capabilities  for transparency—plus protections
        easily and maximize their digital  online business quickly.   that are constantly updated  to help  for both buyers and sellers—has
        experience to reach more customers.”  If your business does have a  meet today’s challenges.  never been more crucial. Through
          Forestell details six insights about  website, find out if your web hosting                Verifi, Visa offers services to help
        today’s current landscape including  service has an eCommerce plugin you   SEND MONEY DIGITALLY   prevent and resolve disputes before
        ways your business can pivot and  can add. You could also research using   INSTEAD OF USING CHECKS  they become chargebacks.
        master the strategies to move forward. an eCommerce plugin that connects   Build your business and pay
                                       to your point of sale (POS) system, if  employees securely by partnering with   Whether a business is new to online,
           CONSUMERS ARE GOING         you have one.                  an experienced financial network.  experiencing an influx of customers
            DIGITAL IN THIS REMOTE        Other tasks on your to-do list may  As circumstances quickly change,  and/or  rapidly  revamping  an  online
          WORLD, YOU SHOULD TOO        involve figuring out how to manage  employees  and  customers  need  and  presence, our new normal is causing
           Millions of new buyers are shopping  your inventory and product pickup  expect quick and secure access to  businesses to pivot and prioritize
        online, some for the first time, and  and/or shipping.        their  money  digitally.  For  example,  digital. Visa can help businesses shift
        many more are shopping for items   Once you’re ready to launch  Visa offers fast and secure money  to an online-led selling strategy that
        they never thought they would buy  your online business, reach out to  movement options. Through Visa  works wherever you are in the world.
        outside of their local businesses. To  customers and make use of social  Direct, companies can pay employees  To help your small business adapt,
        keep them shopping with you, your  media to get the word out that you’re  or gig workers quickly by moving  visit   n
        business should provide a convenient,  open for business.     money to Visa debit cards in real
        easy-to-use online shopping experience,   Offer contactless payments— time. It can also make transactions   © 2020 Brandpoint
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