Page 50 - Allisons Magazine Holiday 2021 Issue 04
P. 50

Budgeting for a   Joyful


          Check your list twice                                You can also propose a gift exchange for your extended
          The inevitable feeling of gift-giving guilt starts to kick   family. Adults can write down their names and draw
 written by: RACHEL STEVENS  in around the holidays, and that perceived obligation to   from a hat to determine who will buy them a gift this
          give everyone a gift or return the favor to anyone who   year. Consider setting an appropriate spending limit so
 Consumers spend more on retail   gives you a gift is just that—a perception. Try to think   that no one feels like they got the short end of the gift-
 during the holiday season than   about the purpose behind your gifts, and narrow your   giving stick. Exchanges are a fun, easy way to ensure
 they do at any other time of the   list down to the core loved ones you feel deserve your   everyone gets something without purchasing a huge

 year. While gift-giving can be a   time, effort, and money.   pile of gifts.
 rewarding experience and a way to
 wrap up the year in gratitude, the   Start a fun gift-giving family tradition    Show your friends heartfelt appreciation
 extra spending can be detrimental   Most people think of buying presents for their   Shopping for friends can quickly get pricey, especially
 to your bank account.  immediate family first. If this is you, consider talking   for people with a large social circle. You can propose the
          with your partner about only spending on your        same gift exchange outlined above, or agree to only send
 Use these strategies to get creative   children, if you have them. Instead of exchanging   heartfelt cards to one another. A handwritten letter and

 with your gift list and set a limit   gifts with your partner, you can plan a fun adventure   homemade cookies can go a long way!
 on your spending without limiting   somewhere you both want to go, like a new restaurant
 your seasonal joy.  or a theater in town.

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