Page 3 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ February 2020 Issue
P. 3



                  enopause is a natural,  declines, this is called Jing  leaving women with symptoms                    Tina Labok
                  physiological cycle that  Qi.  When Jing Qi declines  such as graying hair, low libido,
        M occurs in all women.  naturally at 35-60 years old, also  and weakness in knees, hot
        Menopause signifies a change in  Yin and Yang energies become  flashes, night sweating, insomnia,
        a women’s chemistry is shifting.  imbalanced and with all of these  restlessness,  poor  memory,
        Chinese medicine can re-establish  occurring it can lead to women’s   irritability, backache, mood
        the  regular  flow  of  energy  or  Qi  bodies becoming imbalanced.  swings, fatigue and feeling not
        through the meridians that runs  This means your body is not  quite ourselves.
        along the body.                as  efficient  at  balancing  the   Acupuncture  and   herbal
           As we get older estrogen  rhythms of cooling, moistening,   medicine can help calm and
                                                                      balance symptoms. It is a gentle,
                                                                      non-evasive, natural and effective
                                                                      way to deal with menopause. As   time for YOU to let this ancient                SPOTLIGHT
                                                                      menopause  occurs, Acupuncture   medicine  treat  YOU.  Listen  to
                                                                      will unblock the stagnate energy or   your body when it whispers so you
                                                                      unblock obstructions, this activate   don’t have to hear it scream.
                                                                      your body’s natural healing to
                                                                      correct imbalances in the body’s    Give me a call to set up
                                                                         As an Acupuncturist I will help      an appointment at:
                                                                      you understand the symptoms
                                                                      you may be feeling, help to create   TINA LABOK WELLNESS
                                                                      a self-care program that suits your
                                                                      lifestyle and work with you to take              Located in
                                                                      a conscious action to manage your       Lakewood Village.
                                                                      symptoms of menopause.
                                                                         Chinese    Medicine    and
                                                                      Acupuncture has been around for   4439 East Village Rd, LB 90808
                                                                      thousands of years and has healed    Phone: 714-875-5790
                                                                      thousands of illnesses, take the
                              LAKEWOOD MARKET UPDATE

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90712                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          Prices in this zip code seem to have settled around a plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.

          MARKET SEGMENTS                                 Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
            MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.     LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
          $929,000        2,419    8,000 - 10,000 SQFT    4     3     59      1          2       86
          $689,000        1,600    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    4      2     77      0          0        9
          $635,000        1,278    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3      2     68      2          1        7
          $580,000        1,082    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3      1     70      4          4        0

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90713                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.
           MARKET SEGMENTS                                Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
             MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.    LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
           $702,250        1,664    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    4     2     68      1          0       42
           $664,450        1,427    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     1     70      4          0        0
           $635,000        1,203    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     1     69      1          0       47
           $579,900        1,032    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    2     1     68      2          1        5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8