Page 9 - Lakewood Village Real Estate Edge April 2019
P. 9
winter escape
by J. Harry Jones the bathroom, or eat, or purchase water, or residents. Some business owners said they
park, or get gas. made as much money in about 45 days as they
ew Englanders like to brag about “It was that first weekend in March 2017 did the rest of the year.
the canopy of color that carpets that took us totally by surprise,” said Betsy Patrick Sampson, the general manager of La
Nthe Northeast in the fall. But when Knaak, the executive director of the Anza- Casa del Zorro Resort and Spa and the current
conditions are right, as they appear to be Borrego Desert Natural History Association. president of the Borrego Springs Chamber of
this year, there’s little that rivals the bloom “This time, there is a real sense of Commerce, said his resort was booked for 34
of millions of wildflowers on the floor of preparedness,” added Bri Fordem, the executive days, doing more than $1 million in revenue
Southern California’s Anza-Borrego desert. director of the Anza-Borrego Foundation. during that span.
And just like back East, where the hordes “People should feel comfortable coming here.” This time around, the group, along with
take to the road to view the turning of the The two women and about a dozen other state park officials, have contracted for dozens
leaves, visitors from throughout Southern business owners and managers have formed of portable toilets to be spread throughout the
California will come by the thousands to the what could be known as the Flowergeddon area, both in town and near the flower fields. A
small desert community of Borrego Springs to Prevention Committee, though they don’t dozen dumpsters are on order. Hildebrandt said they know much more
witness the so-called Super Bloom. really call it that. Officially they’ve been meeting There are plans to pass out thousands of now and have devised a plan in which people
But unlike two years ago, when the town as part of the Borrego Village Association. maps as people drive in showing where the can quickly purchase prepacked sandwiches
was overwhelmed and unprepared for the They are ready for what is to come, they say. fields, the toilets, the restaurants (there are and salads.
nearly half-million people who descended on The latest flower forecast predicts flowers 12 in town) and the gas stations are located The committee urges people to come
the state’s largest park, officials say this year should start popping soon and last through (there was just one gas station in 2017; there prepared. Bring water and sunglasses, and
they are ready to handle the crush of beauty- much of March. But experts say nothing is for are two now). close-toed shoes for walking amid (but not
seeking visitors. sure until it happens. Park rangers and the California Highway on) the flowers. They suggest planning their
There will be no Flowergeddon 2, they “Two years ago, we had an absolutely Patrol are getting ready and there should be far driving routes ahead of time and stress that
insist, referencing the term used to describe the fantastic bloom,” said Jim Dice, the reserve better traffic control in the area. More parking Montezuma Valley Road isn’t the only way
chaos that erupted the first couple weekends manager at the Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego has also been provided with a lot near The Mall into town.
in March 2017, the most spectacular bloom of Desert Research Center. “I don’t know if we’re in the center of town having opened. But don’t worry about bringing a sack
wildflowers in a decade. going to meet that. It’s likely going to be a The restaurants are ramping up. Two lunch, they say with a smile. There will be
A traffic jam nearly 20 miles long stretched very good bloom, but a strong freeze right now years ago, the food establishments were plenty of food for sale.
from Lake Henshaw all the way down could be very bad and a prolonged hot spell overwhelmed. Some ran out of food altogether It’s suggested that visitors view several
Montezuma Valley Road (County Highway could hurt things.” and at some, a few overworked and frustrated websites ahead of time because when hordes
S-22) to the desert floor that first big Saturday. Dice said an initial bloom has already employees quit on the spot. of people are in the valley, cellular phone
Once people finally got to town, confusion begun in spots throughout the 630,000-acre “Now I think we may be overly prepared,” service is spotty as the carriers’ systems get
ruled. Many didn’t know where the flowers park, but not close to Borrego Springs. Still, he said Andy Macuga, the owner of Carlee’s overwhelmed.
were and they couldn’t find a place to go to and other experts say, it appears a great bloom Restaurant and this year’s honorary mayor of Some of the sites include:;
is quickly approaching. Borrego Springs. and
It’s impossible to say how many people “I know I’ve hired more staff than ever out There is also a Wildflower Hotline phone
drove from Los Angeles and San Diego—not of fear,” he said. “I’m hiring people non-stop. number with a tape-recorded message that is
to mention other parts of the country and You have a pulse? Love you. Come on in.” updated every few days: (760) 767-4684.
even the world—to view the flowers from late Thomas Hildebrandt, the executive chef/ Fordem and others said one of the
February to early April two years ago. restaurant manager at Kesling’s Kitchen across community’s hopes is that wildflower visitors
Most estimates place the number at the street from Carlee’s, said they had just will fall in love with the desert and come back
250,000 to 500,000. Weekends were insane. opened for business when the Super Bloom to visit at other times of the year.
Even weekdays were at times uncomfortably hit in 2017. He said for a month people were “We want them to embrace the beauty of
crowded. lined up outside. the desert and its lifestyle,” she said. n
Despite the chaos, the Super Bloom was “It was like amusement park lines and there
tremendous for business in the town that was an amusement park feeling in the air,” he ©2019 The San Diego Union-Tribune
is home to only about 3,500 permanent said. “It never ended.” Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.