Page 6 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ October 2019 Issue
P. 6

odds and ends
                           IN THE HOME

                               by Kathryn Weber

                                   t’s  true  that  you  can  never  have
                                   too much storage. Homes with
                               I generous closet and drawer space
                               are a dream. But what if your closet
                               is shy on space? With some clever
                               changes you can carve out more
                               storage in your closets.

                                1. USE THE BACK OF THE DOOR
                                  The back of your closet door can
                               hold a variety of items. Add an over
                               the door hanger with multiple hooks,
                               and you can hang robes, exercise
                               wear, belts or hats. Look for specialty
                               hangers specifically made for the back
                               of your closet door.

                                2. DITCH THE PLASTIC HANGERS
                                  It’s true; tubular plastic hangers   10 WAYS TO SQUEEZE MORE SPACE
                               do take up more space. Recycle those
                               mismatched plastic hangers with     OUT OF YOUR CLOSET
                               velvet thin hangers in a single color.
                               You  can  get  100  for  about  $32  on
                               AmazonBasics (
                                                                   5. PLACE SHELVES AND       of closet real estate because they’re  reduce the number of hangers needed
                                       3. ADD A SHELF            DRAWERS UNDER CLOTHES        bulky and they’re doubled up.  by hanging up to eight garments per
                                      ON LOWER RODS              Make the most of space by  Reclaim some of that space with  hanger.
                                  If you have a double rod closet, be  adding a dresser or drawer unit  specialty hangers for pants that let
                               sure to add a shelf over the lower rod.  under  hanging  shirts.  Look  for  easy  you hang four or five pairs of pants   10. ADD A SHELF UNIT
                               This is the perfect place to add thin  to  configure  units  like  the  Nordli  on one hanger.  It may seem like you’re taking
                               jewelry boxes like Colleen’s Prestige  ( that can be adapted                     away valuable hanging space,
                               sunglass and jewelry storage boxes  to multiple sizes and shapes.  8. GROUP CLOTHING LENGTHS  but a shelf unit can be outfitted
                               (                                                   Place all long garments on one end  with baskets that can work like
                                                               6. INSTALL HOOKS ON SHELVES    of the closet. This will enable you to  drawers, storing folding T-shirts,
                                        4. GET WIRED             Adding hooks on either side of  create more space under the shorter  corralling flip-flops, housing shoes
                                  Affix wire baskets to odd corners  closet shelf boxes makes a handy  garments for additional storage.  or containing other odds and ends
                               and small spaces to hold odds and  spot to hang belts, handbags and                           that clutter closet floors.   n
                               ends. Wire shelves can be added above  scarves.                9. PUT TANKS AND CAMISOLES
                               regular shelves to add more space, and                              ON A MULTI-HANGER                    ©2019 Kathryn Weber.
                               they enable you to see what’s on the   7. REDUCE YOUR PANT SPACE  A tank top hanger (   Distributed by Tribune Content
                               shelf at the top.                 Jeans and pants eat up a lot  is a great way to group like items and           Agency, LLC.

        by Kathryn Weber

              here’s one holdover that’s
              common to a lot of
        T bathrooms and that instantly
        dates your bath: the acrylic shower
        or tub enclosure. It’s expensive and
        troublesome to remove this piece.
        However, updating the enclosure
        is an easy and inexpensive project
        for  most  homeowners.  So if  the
        trouble and expense of removing
        your acrylic tub or shower surround
        isn’t for you, there are budget- and
        time-friendly ways to refresh its

                DOOR MAGIC
           If you have silver or gold trim
        on the door enclosure, your tub
        will instantly take you back to the
        ‘80s. Update the trim by replacing
        the doors and frame with a new set
        decorating notch, replace the doors  UPDATING
        trimmed in oil-rubbed bronze or
        silver with clear glass. To take it up a

        with a frameless pair that opens in
        the center. This change will set you   YOUR ACRYLIC SHOWER
        back a few hundred dollars but will
        go a long way toward updating your
           Another option is to remove the            OR TUB ENCLOSURE
        doors altogether and replace with a
        shower curtain. This is a very easy
        job for the average homeowner. It
        merely requires removing the metal   Once the doors have been  enclosure’s look is to add a tile  stick tile squares. These are simple  the front with a ledge made of a
        surround and doors.           removed, you can add a shower  surround. A tile surround that goes  to cut with a utility knife and look  PVC  board,  or  really  give  it  an
           Start by removing the doors   curtain, or you can dress it up a bit  from the tub enclosure sides and rear  terrific.  upgrade with a stone or quartz
        first, then popping off the top bar.   more by hanging two curtain panels  up to the ceiling or even halfway up       countertop material. Check with a
        Next, remove the screws inside the   on either side of the tub and a clear  the wall will have great impact.  UPDATE THE APRON  local stone yard for extra piece that
        vertical tracks and then the bottom   or white shower curtain behind.   When you do this project, carry   The front of the tub is another   can be added for your ledge. It’s a
        track. Run over any residual caulk  Add in tie backs, and your bathtub  the tile around to the outside of  area where you can make an update
        with a plastic caulk remover tool,  will be beautified and positively  the tub about 4 to 6 inches. This  that gives your bath a fabulous look.   great look for a low price.   n
        and use a melamine eraser sponge  spa-like.                gives the illusion of a tiled bath and  Using one-by-four lumber, you can
        to remove any stains or excess caulk.                      will upgrade your bathroom look  create a faux front with beadboard   ©2019 Kathryn Weber.
        Fill the screw holes with a dab of      ADD TILE           quickly. Instead of using real tile  or panels that looks expensive; it   Distributed by Tribune Content
        waterproof caulk.               One way to really update your  that has to be cut, go for peel and  can be done in an afternoon. Top    Agency, LLC.
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