Page 3 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Lakewood Edge ~ January 2020 Issue
P. 3

trust assets


               o a Google search for “online  of how the legal process works upon  websites, you’ll find numerous  to happen. The DIY approach might
               estate planning documents,”  your death or incapacity, you’ll likely  disclaimers pointing out that their  be a good idea if you’re looking to
        D and  you’ll  find  dozens  of  make serious mistakes when creating a  documents are “no substitute” for the  build a new deck for your backyard,
        different websites. From Legal Zoom®  DIY plan. Even worse, these mistakes  advice of a lawyer.   but when it comes to estate planning,
        and to Rocket Lawyer®  won’t be discovered until it’s too   Family  dynamics  are—to  put  it  it’s one of the worst choices you can
        and, these do-it- late—and the loved ones you were  lightly—complex. This is particularly  make. Are you really willing to put
        yourself (DIY) planning services  trying to protect will be the very ones  true  for  blended  families,  where  your family’s well-being and wealth at
        might seem like an enticing bargain.  forced to clean up your mess.  spouses have children from previous  risk just to save a few bucks?     n
        However, relying on DIY planning                              relationships.  A  DIY service  cannot
        documents can actually be worse than   ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL  help you consider all the potential   This article is a service of
        having no plan at all—and here’s why:  Online planning documents may  areas where conflict might arise   Deanny Lungu-Underwood,
                                       appear to save you time and money,  among your family members and help       Attorney at Law.
              PLANNING TO FAIL         but keep in mind, just because you  you plan ahead of time to avoid it.
           Many people don’t realize that  created “legal”  documents  doesn’t  When done right, the estate planning                                   SPOTLIGHT
        estate  planning  entails  much  more  mean they will actually work when  process is actually a huge opportunity
        than  just  filling  out  legal  forms.  you need them. Indeed, if you read  to build new connections within your
        Without a thorough understanding  the fine print of most DIY planning  family, and we’re specifically trained
                                                                      to help you with that. In fact, that’s
                                                                      our special sauce.

                                                                       THINKING A WILL IS ENOUGH
                                                                         Lots of people believe that
                                                                      creating a will is sufficient to handle
                                                                      all of their planning needs. But this
                                                                      is rarely the case. A will, for example,
                                                                      does nothing in the event of your
                                                                      incapacity, for which you would also
                                                                      need a healthcare directive and/or a
                                                                      living will, plus a durable financial   Deanny Lungu-Underwood, Esq.
                                                                      power of attorney.                5320 E. 2nd Street, Suite 6,
                                                                                                          Long Beach, CA 90803
                                                                          DON’T DO IT YOURSELF              T (562) 533-2022
                                                                         Given all of these potential dangers,
                                                                      DIY estate plans are a disaster waiting
                              LAKEWOOD MARKET UPDATE

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90712                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          Prices in this zip code seem to have settled around a plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.

          MARKET SEGMENTS                                 Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
            MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.     LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
          $875,000        2,439    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    4      2     58      1          1       23
          $689,000        1,534    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3      1     67      0          2       25
          $633,000        1,402    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3      0     64      1          2       44
          $585,750         960     4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    2      0     69      1          3        5

                            MEDIAN LIST PRICE - 90713                                                  REAL-TIME MARKET PROFILE
                                                                                                       NEVER MISS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE LAKEWOOD MARKET

          We continue to see prices in this zip code bounce around this plateau. Look for a persistent down-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices deviate from these levels.
           MARKET SEGMENTS                                Each segment below represents approximately
                                                          25% of the market ordered by price.
             MEDIAN PRICE   SQ. FT.    LOT SIZE       BEDS    BATH   AGE     NEW     ABSORBED  DOM
           $737,450        1,852    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     1     65      1          1       75
           $689,000        1,633    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     1     67      1          2       33
           $635,000        1,367    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     1     68      0          2       30
           $585,000        1,082    4,500 - 6,500 SQFT    3     0     69      0          2       43
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8