Page 49 - Allison's Magazine ~ Issue #101
P. 49

“   THE BOTTOM LINE IS THAT                                             over $40 million for the community. Its
                                                                                biggest initiative is to enhance the lives
            CARNAVAL MIAMI IS BOTH                                              of underprivileged families and children
                                                                                in Miami-Dade County, mostly through
                                                                                sports programs and educational
            UNIQUELY MIAMI—IN ITS                                               programs. Among the donations include
            COLORS, ITS FLAVORS, ITS FUN,                                       over 240,000 new toys being provided
            AND ITS HEART.                                                      to day care centers and schools and over
                                                                                200,000 supply-filled backpacks being
                                                                                given to kids for school.

                                                                                However, what has perhaps impacted
                                                                                these communities the most is the
        here to get the whole flavor of Hispanic   185 croquetas in eight minutes, a world   Kiwanis Club’s scholarship program,
        culture. There’s no place else we’d have   record. “We do nothing small,” Lebeña   which has provided over a thousand
        Calle Ocho.”                        adds, with a laugh.                 scholarships to local students to attend
                                                                                college. Lebeña says that residents who
        This cornerstone event features over   COMMUNITY AND KIDS               were awarded a scholarship often have
        two hundred musicians. You’ll typically   Holding an event as massive as Carnaval   gone on to graduate and have great
        find fifteen to twenty stages set up along   Miami takes a great deal of planning   careers, and many have come back
        Eighth Street, with up to six bands   and networking, for which Lebeña   to share their testimony of how the
        performing at each throughout the day.   takes the lead. He and everyone else   Kiwanis Club—thanks to Carnaval
        “Nothing else in the country comes   involved do so as volunteers, so planning   Miami—impacted their lives.
        close,” Lebeña states.              and execution are key. “By April, we
                                            can breathe a little bit. But between   The bottom line is that Carnaval Miami
        Plus, there are plenty of other things   May and the end of September, it’s   is both unforgettable and uniquely
 People descend on   Camila Cuesta is crowned Miss
 Carnaval on the Mile.   Carnaval Miami 2019.   to experience during Calle Ocho. Over   very strategic: We start discussing and   Miami—in its colors, its flavors, its fun,
        four hundred vendors line the streets,   planning for how to make it even better.   and its heart. “It’s just an experience,”
        with everything from art to food—all   From October 1 onward, it’s all about   Lebeña promises. “You’re going to
 Today, Carnaval Miami is the largest   Among the Carnaval Miami experiences   named the musician Fonseca as its first   in an effort, Lebeña says, to continually   execution,” he says.  witness the coming together of so
 Hispanic festival in the country. Sure,   is Miss Carnaval Miami, a pageant   Colombian-born king. The 2020 kings   reinvent the event to appeal to different   many beautiful cultures, all celebrating,
 Miami’s warm weather brings people   that is one of its first events held every   are duo Mau y Ricky.  types of crowds. He cites a new event   Why do they put in so much time and   dancing, and eating. You’re going to
 in, but what draws people to Carnaval   year. In addition, there’s a dominoes   in 2019 as an example: “Cubano Wars   effort? It’s all about the kids. “We try   enjoy live music. And you’re going to be
 Miami is the sheer number of innovative   tournament, a soccer tournament with   CENTER STAGE: CALLE OCHO  is a competition to crown the best   to incorporate children into all our   supporting an organization that cares
 events it offers. Among the must-sees,   over a hundred teams and thousands of   However, the biggest event of Carnaval   Cuban sandwich around. Last year’s   Carnaval Miami events, and one in   so much about giving back. You can’t
 according to Lebeña, are Cork and   participants, and, later in the spring, a   Miami is also one of its oldest. The Calle   competition was very exciting and   particular, the Book Nook—a new   go wrong with it. After it’s over, I want
 Fork, a food-and-wine festival featuring   golf tournament that has been taking   Ocho Music Festival, a free event that   fun. People loved it—they were able   event in 2019—certainly did,” Lebeña   your feet to hurt because you enjoyed
 over forty restaurants offering tastings,   place since 1982. The Kiwanis Club has   first took place in 1977, is the largest   to come in, taste different sandwiches,   states. “It’s a book fair for kids that   dancing so much, your stomach to be
 plus celebrity chef demos; Cordials and   also chosen a man or woman of Latino   Hispanic festival in the country and   and vote.” Cubano Wars joined El   promotes literacy among children in   full because you ate so much great food,
 Candy, where you can sample amazing   descent to be its official Carnaval Miami   takes place along Eighth Street (Calle   Croquetazo, a croqueta-eating contest   our community. We invited a bunch   and, most importantly, to know that you
 after-dinner drinks and sweets; and the   king or queen each year since Desi Arnaz   Ocho) from Twelfth Avenue to Twenty-  sponsored by Major League Eating   of authors to present their books, talk   were part of something that really makes
 arts-and-music festival Carnaval on   was its inaugural king in 1982. Other   Seventh Avenue. “Eighth Street is the   (of Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating   about them, and do book signings. It   a difference in this community.”
 the Mile. “People want to be part of an   past kings and queens include Pitbull,   heart of Little Havana,” Lebeña shares.   Contest), as the featured food events   was a great success.”   For more info, visit
 unforgettable experience, and that’s what   Gloria Estefan, Celia Cruz, Andy   “It really exemplifies Cuban culture   at Calle Ocho. Participants from the
 we aim for,” says Lebeña. “It’s nonstop.   Garcia, and Maria Conchita Alonso.   and Cuban heritage—people from all   hot dog-eating contest competed at El   In addition, proceeds from Carnaval
 And there’s an event for every type   True to its commitment to Hispanic   over the US, as well as from Europe,   Croquetazo, including world champion   Miami go to the Kiwanis of Little
 of person.”  diversity, in 2019 the organization   Asia, and other parts of the world come   Joey Chestnut—who won by consuming   Havana Foundation, which has raised

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