Page 11 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Alamitos Heights - JUly 2019 Issue
P. 11

CROSSWORD                                                                                                           just for fun l

               PUZZLE                                                           ACROSS                   54  Jersey or Guernsey  26  Cats and dogs

                                                                                                            philosophy, and a hint to
                                                                                                                                 28  More than enough
                                                                                   Marvel Comics mutants
                                                                                6   First assassin to attack Caesar  58  Broadway do-or-die   27  Eye surgery acronym
                                                                                                            the ends of 17-, 30-, 37- and
                                                                                10  Folk singer Joan        44-Across            29  Foolish, in slang
                                                                                14  Arctic or Indian     62  Informal negative   30  Easily tipped boat
                                                                                15  Bit of trickery      63  “No __!”: “Easy!”   31  Burn slightly
                                                                                16  In the style of, in ristorantes  64  Brief   32  Rye grass disease
                                                                                17  End that “I face,” in Sinatra’s   65  Activist Parks  33  Try, as food
                                                                                   “My Way”                                      35  Swimming in pea soup?
                                                                                20  Feudal laborer       66  Words meaning the same   38  Hand out cards
                                                                                                            thing: Abbr.
                                                                                21  Popeye’s Olive       67  Furry swimmer       39  Coffeehouse connection
                                                                                22  Given to giving orders                       40  Like airplane services
                                                                                23  Grounded Aussie birds  DOWN                  45  California peak
                                                                                25  Twirl or whirl       1   Emergency shelter beds  46  British balderdash
                                                                                27  Gentlemen’s partners  2  Throb               47  Food, in diner signs
                                                                                30  It has 32 pieces and a   3  Fortuneteller    49  Buffalo Wild Wings
                                                                                   64-square board       4   The jolt in joe?        nickname based on its
                                                                                34  Surrounded by        5   “Give me __!”: start of a   initials
                                                                                35  __ accompli             Hoosier cheer        50  Marquee name
                                                                                36  Often rolled-over    6   Diagnostic tests    51  Cincinnati’s state
                                                                                   investment            7   Ponder (over)       52  Family rooms
                                                                                37  Prepare to fly       8   Top-left PC key     53  “Let’s get goin’!”
                                                                                41  Kind                 9   Modern, in Munich   55  Chimney sweep’s sweepings
                                                                                42  Self-images          10  Twirled sticks      56  Passed-down knowledge
                                                                                43  Gold bar             11  “That’s a shame”    57  __’acte: intermission
                                                                                44  Vital phase          12  Yale alumni         59  Covert or black doings
                                                                                47  Decadent, as the snobs in a   13  Madcap     60  Droll
                                                                                   historic Agnew speech  18  We, to Henri       61  Chinese menu general
                                                                                48  Blessed              19  Grand slam homer quartet,
                                                                                49  Get-out-of-jail money   briefly
                                                                                50  Drinks with floating   24  Prefix with hit or store  © 2019 Distributed by Tribune
                                                                                   ice cream             25  Backs up in fear              Content Agency, LLC.
                                                                                53  Windy City summer hrs.

                                                                                                                               created by Crosswords Ltd.


                               ALLISON VAN WIG
                               LISTING SPECIALIST/REALTOR
                               BROKER ASSOCIATE CA DRE # 00985700
                               CINDY HINDERBERGER
                               LISTING SPECIALIST/REALTOR
                               BROKER ASSOCIATE CA DRE # 01902607
         For more than 30 years, VAN WIG & ASSOCIATES has been serving the needs of Long Beach and
         Lakewood home sellers and buyers. Allison Van Wig and Cindy Hinderberger have consistently
         maintained their status as Top Selling Agents by giving not only the finest service possible but also
         providing the most vital component of any successful real estate transaction … by always remembering
         who they work for … the CLIENT.
         You can find out everything you need to know about buying or selling a home just by giving them
         a call. Either Cindy or Allison would welcome the opportunity of giving you any information that you
         might need. As the preeminent real estate professional group in Long Beach and specifically Alamitos
         Heights they are dedicated to providing the finest service available while breaking new ground.

         Because the real estate industry is becoming more sophisticated and challenging every day,
         you need a professional that understands the industry and is positioned to stay on top of innovative
         marketing strategies and state-of-the-art tools.
         They go the extra mile to help their clients achieve their selling goals which is why they are
         consistently researching the market and current property values so a home can be accurately priced
         from day one.
         Van Wig & Associates also makes sure local buyers are aware your home is for sale by using NICHE
         CENTRAL marketing strategies, by reaching buyers looking for homes in your area.
              If you are interested in selling your home, please contact them
                    to find out how Van Wig & Associates is different!
                          ~ Cindy Hinderberger … 562-754-8802
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