Page 4 - Van Wig & Associates Newsletter, Alamitos Heights - JUly 2019 Issue
P. 4
Q & A with the real estate expert
Dear Allison and Cindy, ahead. By the time you factor in the focusing on what styles buyers are We hope you’ve found this helpful.
They say new homeowners costs and taxes of selling—especially trending towards, there are easy If you’d like assistance listing your
Q should generally be in their when selling prior to the home ways to increase the curb appeal and home or have additional questions,
home for at least five years value appreciating—it’s unlikely interest with a few simple upgrades. please reach out to us. we’re always
before selling whether to upgrade, you’ll profit. That being said, if Before listing your home, if you here to help! n
move locations or simply profit. you know what you’re doing, you have dark colors on the walls, paint
However, I recently accepted a new can get through it without getting them a lighter color (this actually
job and will be relocating out of state crushed and move on to the next increases the listing price of most
after only living in my property for less phase, which for you would be a homes going into the market).
than one year. I do not believe that I great job in a new neighborhood. Likewise, if your home already has
will be capable of becoming a landlord The best thing you can do at this light colors throughout, think about
and renting my property, so selling is time is focus on the current state adding a few accent walls to give
currently my sole option. Do you have of the real estate market. With the home unique characteristics
any advice that can help minimize the help of an experienced Realtor, buyers wouldn’t see in another
losses and get my home on and off the it’s possible to sell quickly and home they might be considering.
market quickly? minimize costs—especially with Another quick fix is to add more
Austin. someone who knows the state of the curb appeal. Make sure to take some Allison Van Wig
market you’re in and what buyers time to landscape, plant flowers (CA DRE #00985700) and
Cindy Hinderberger
A Dear Austin: Selling your are currently seeking. Selling while on the property, and paint the are Real Estate experts with
(CA DRE #01902607)
home after one year or less the housing market is at its peak front entry door with a fresh, bright
can be a stressful experience. (current season 2016-present) can color. By following through with
Van Wig & Associates.
While moving for a job is always a maximize the value of your home these two easy pre-listing projects, You can call or email them at:
fair reason, it’s important to keep in regardless of the lower appreciation you’re likely to sell quicker and will 562-754-8802 or
mind you aren’t likely to come out than an average listing. And, by likely be closer to breaking even.
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