Page 128 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 128

Ansh Tikekar

                                Major/Goal: Architecture or Business and Finance

        Time is money.

                                         Anthonio Adnan Mtanous

                                                                 Major/Goal: Medicine

        Life always makes you remember 2 things: Good moments and Hard times. “Sometimes we laugh and
        sometimes we cry, but I guess you know now.” We had many Ups and Downs throughout the years, but
        eventually, we did it. We conquered our first mountain in life. On to our next mountains in the future. I am
        grateful for meeting you all and getting to know you all these years. Thank you for being my friends and
        teachers over these years. You all are my brothers and sisters. I wish you all good luck in your next journey
        in life. Ant-Man out.

        P.S. Yes, I did quote Drake.
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