Page 157 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 157

Jana Abd El Hamid

                                                   Major/Goal: Biomedical Engineering

        As stressful as the past few years have been, i’m glad to say we’ve finally made it. through all the hard work,
        sleepless nights, exam schedules, homework and everything in between, thinking we would never make it
        out and before we knew it we became class of 2023. cherish the small moments as much as the large ones.
        understand that with great power comes great responsibility. do it for the people who said you couldn’t but
        mostly do it for yourself. we’ve loved and lost, but here we are, together, ready to start the next chapter of
        our lives.

                                Jana Abu Zaid

                                Major/Goal: Chemical Engineering
                                Email: :

        One thing I will not forget in my time here, was the literal sleepless nights and days i spent crying over the
        stress and exams.. Nothing no one has made me cry as much as the school did. On a serious note though,
        the school did give me some of the best memories and a chance to form the most sentimental/ precious
        bonds with friends and teachers. Never rush growing up, your time to say goodbye to your friends, teachers,
        and the place you spent your whole life in is closer than you think. I remember looking at all the past seniors
        wishing to be them, but now that I am here, I am wishing to go back in time. So, enjoy every moment of it .
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