Page 183 - ISC Dubai SLO Yearbook 2022-2023
P. 183

Omar Haider

                                                           Major/Goal: Cyber Security

        Thanks for all the memories, had a pleasant time finishing my senior year.

                                Omar Muhtadi

                                Major/Goal: Business Management and Technology

        First of all I’m going to start off by saying how much of a journey this has been. About 9 years in this
        school and never once have I regretted being in it. It’s been the highlight of my life and I will never forget
        my experience here, the friends I’ve made that have now turned into family, it’s been a great journey, and
        hopefully it will be an even better one in the future. To All my teachers and peers who treated me like a
        friend you will be missed, and I know I will be missed ;)

        “Assert dominance before it’s asserted on you.”
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